044. guilty pleasure

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 xliv||guilty pleasure

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xliv||guilty pleasure

It's dark now. Maria walks up the Potter driveway with her arms folded over her stomach, the goosebumps on her skin refusing to leave as she feels a constant chill in the air. Her argument with Regulus continuously playing in her head and she looks at the dark sky with her bloodshot eyes, no star visible through the thick clouds. She never believed her and Regulus could have a happy ending, it would always be the same in the end. She's a Potter in the courageous and determined house of Gryffindor, a family of dark wizard catchers. He's a Black in the ambitious and cunning house of Slytherin, a family of dark wizards. It would always end the same: tragically.

However, she did believe that maybe they'd have more time than they had to be together and happy, before he was forced to marry the one girl who always tried to tear them apart, before the war really began between two sides, one blood prejudiced and evil and one just looking for peace. Maria wants peace, she doesn't care whether someone's pureblood, half-blood, muggle-born, werewolf it doesn't matter to her. So she will fight for her side.

But he's on the other side.

She's not afraid of him becoming evil or prejudiced, Maria knows he could never truly be that, only pretend to be for a while, maybe to fool himself into thinking it. She's afraid of what the war might do to him, would he die? Would he become heartless, emotionless?

There's no way she could see him any differently, not even if he did become what she fears he will be. She'd still put him over her judgement, just as he would her. Because right now, Regulus Black is sat in his bathroom with his head in his hands, tugging at his hair as tears fall onto the tiles before him.

The sky begins to pour with heavy rain and Maria sighs, her hair already drenched with the force of the rain as thunder rumbles above her, quickening her pace towards the steps up to the roofed porch.

Stumbling slightly as she walks up the slippery steps, she fumbles with the door handle, opening the door and walking into her house, slipping off her shoes and walking silently up the stairs, praying she won't bump into anyone.

"Maria! You're back!"

Maria stops in her tracks and sighs, turning to the group of excited girls behind her at the bottom of the stairs and their happy grins drop instantly, seeing Maria's bloodshot and red eyes and her clothes dripping with rain water.

"What the hell happened—Mary—go get a towel." Dorcas says, jogging up the stairs and hugging Maria tightly. Mary returns with a towel and quickly wraps it around Maria's shoulders, the girls leading Maria into the lounge and sitting her on the sofa.

"What happened?" Lily asks her, softly rubbing her back as Maria stares at the ground. "We thought you were going to see Regulus."

"I did." Maria whispers, her voice coming out as quite hoarse and sore. "And—we went to a meadow and it was perfect, then—"

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