Third Year // Chapter 1

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Let me just say something ... EGYPT IS BLOODY AMAZING!!! We explored a whole lot of the tombs and stuff. We even got successful in trapping Percy in a tomb for a few minutes. Mum however caught us and made us free him. We all had a laugh ... well except Percy.

Anyway, we were now back in London, staying at the Leaky Cauldron until September 1st. The only hard part about not being at the Burrow was not being able to see Cedric. Apparently, the Diggory's lived semi-close to us. So it was not weird for him to come and visit us. 

Well, it's not September 1st and I was walking out of the room I shared with Ginny. While I was I heard the meowing of a cat and the squeaking of a rat. I looked down and saw a ginger cat chasing Ron's rat Scabbers. 

"Oh Crookshanks," I muttered while shutting my door tightly. The last thing I needed was for Scabbers to get into my trunk and sleep in my clothes. I walked down the stairs just in time to see Hermione catch Crookshanks, while Ron held Scabbers. I went a stood next to Hermione.

"I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy." Ron spoke while stroking Scabbers.

"He's a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It's in his nature." Hermione replied. She adjusted how she was holding Crookshanks and I reached out and scratched behind his ears. He purred while Ron responded.

"A cat! Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me." I sighed and rolled my eyes at how immature Ron was being. 

"That's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush." Hermione once again adjusted Crookshanks in her arms and cooed into his ear. "It's all right, Crookshanks. You just ignore the mean little boy." I chuckled and smirked over at Ron. 

"Harry!" He said. I looked up behind us and saw Harry standing smiling at us. Hermione turned and saw him too.

"Harry!" She rushed over and gave Harry a squeeze. I walked over and patted his shoulder as Ron rushed over and started whispering to Harry (most likely about our trip to Egypt). 

We sat down at the tables in the pub and started to talk some more. Ron pulled out one of the newspaper clippings that talked about us. 

"Egypt! What's it like?" Harry asked. I smiled and leaned across the table to answer. 

"It's brilliant! It's got loads of old stuff. Mummies. Death Masks, Tombs!" 

"Even Scabbers enjoyed himself!" Ron said raising the rat. I fought the urge to vomit, while Hermione hugged Crookshanks.

"You know, the ancient Egyptians worshipped cats." She stroked him. I held back a laugh as Ron responded.

"Yeah, along with the bloody dung beetle!" He kept whispering back and forth with Ron until Fred and George walked over.

"Not flashing that clipping about again, are you, Ron?" George asked as he grabbed the clipping from Ron.

"I haven't show anyone!" Ron griped.

"No, not a soul," Fred replied. "Unless you count Tom."

"The Day maid." George continued.

"The night maid."

"The cook. The bloke who came to fix the toilet. "

"And that wizard from Belgium!" They both finished. I couldn't help but laugh as Ron fumed. Mum walked over and hugged Harry while Dad then pulled him off to the side. Why I probably won't know. I just sat back and listened to Fred and George bicker over the clipping.

"George's nose looks positively massive in that photograph.." Both Ginny and I leaned over. I just rolled my eyes as Ginny made a response.

"That's your nose, Fred." Fred blinked for a few moments before chuckling.

"Bloody hell. 'Tis, isn't it? Take after your side of the family, don't I, Mum?" Fred joked. Mum threw him a glance that was both 'watch your mouth' and 'yes you do' at the same time. After Dad got done talking to Harry we all rushed off to King's Cross to catch the Hogwarts Express. 

"NEVY!" I rushed over to my now extremely dashing best friend and hugged him. He smiled brightly and hugged me back. I released him and held his shoulders while turning him back and forth. "You've grown AT LEAST six inches since last year!" 

"Yeah, I think Gran said it was eight?" He just rubbed the back of his head. I sighed and grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the train. We walked and found Seamus and Dean sitting with someone else in the car. I was kind of thrown off by that until I opened the door.

"Lori! A certain someone has the idea that you will be wanting to see them?" Dean said. I looked over and saw Cedric sitting across from him.

"Ceddy!" I rushed over and jumped into his arms. Since the train wasn't yet moving he got up and twirled me around. "I thought you said you would see me at the feast?!" I lightly slapped his shoulder.

"I know. I just ... wanted to see you." He lowered his head onto mine. I just hugged him tighter as I slipped down beside him and the wall. When I sat down I happened to catch a glance at Neville. His normally smiling face was holding a frown. I slowly sat back up and cleared my throat. 

"Why don't you go see your friends?" I said. Cedric cocked an eyebrow at me but noticed I was looking at Neville. He nodded his head and said bye and headed off to his regular compartment. As he shut the door, Dean made a comment.

"Clearly, you had a great summer." I kicked him in the leg and rolled my eyes. 

"Oh shut it. We only saw each other a total of five times over the summer. Besides ... we haven't even had our first kiss as a couple yet." I once again saw Neville frown. I sighed and reached over and yanked him into the seat next to me.

"Whoa! Lori!" He cried. I just laughed.

"Oh, for Godric's sake, Nev. I'm just getting this car back to normal."

"It won't be normal once you ditch us for Diggory," Seamus said. I just whipped out my wand and aimed it at him. 

"One more word of me leaving you three and you will ALL find itching powder in your beds on the first night!" All three flinched a little bit knowing damn well I would. I pocketed my wand and smiled. "Thought that would get you three to calm down. 

"Hey, Lori. Do you want to go get some candy?" Neville asked. I nodded and followed him out of the car. As we walked, I could tell Neville wasn't the same, so I grabbed his hand and pulled him into an empty car. 

"Alright, Neville. Spit it out! What is going on with you? You've barely smiled since we got to our car!" Neville just shifted his feet. "Neville! Please!"

"I ... I ... I just don't want to lose you!" He sat down. "I know, you told us not to say it but ... it happens! You are my best friend, Lori. The thought of you spending all the time with Diggory just makes me want to cry." I sighed and knelt in front of him.

"Nev, you don't have to worry. I would choose you three over Cedric for train rides and study sessions all the time." I rubbed his knee. "He may be my boyfriend, but you'll always be my best friend. Nothing, NOTHING can change that. EVER!" He finally let a small smile escape.

"You're right. Let's actually go get some candy." He stood up and grabbed my hand and we started to leave. Suddenly the train jerked to a stop causing me to fall backward. Luckily Neville was able to keep a hold of me and kept me from hitting the floor. He pulled me back up as we opened up the door and peeked out. We saw a few other students doing the same until the train shook once again and the lights went out. 

"Neville? You, okay?" I asked reaching out into the darkness.

"Yeah. You?" He replied.

"Yeah. Grab my hand, we are heading to a full compartment." I said already opening the door.


"To Ron's car. Hermione probably knows what's happening."

Through All the Pain  // N. LongbottomWhere stories live. Discover now