They meet

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Rod Reiss walks down the school hallway as spike-chan stared at him. Rod Reiss blushed. It was his first time seeing spike-chan looking at him so attentively😍.

Rod Reiss makes eye contact with him. Spike-chan suddenly looks away. It was very faint, but Spike-chan was blushing. Rod Reiss was shy, but he went up to him and said "h-h-h-h-hey spike-chan" (poor guy was lagging). "Spike looks up and said "hey😏" very, interestingly.

"Hey i was going to the c-cafeteria want to come?" Rod Reiss asked. "Maybe.."  he answered spike. "Alright lets go" Rod Reiss muttered. As Rod Reiss walked towards the cafeteria spike grabs his arm and turns him around. "W-what are you doing step-spike i mean Spike-chan" Rod Reiss said shockingly.

Both of there eyes lock and then spike says, "grab me that step stool." "Why?" Rod Reiss asks. "How am I going to kiss you without being your height, silly" spike said. Rod Reiss blushed so hard he probably shat his pants, in-fact
he did. "Oh that smell....thats the smell of first love" spike whispered. "Thats my shit" Rod Reiss said. "Whatever" spike said annoyed.

Rod Reiss grabs the stool and places it on the floor. Spike gets on...and they kiss. It felt like it lasted for hours. They eventually stopped and looked at eachother. And then spike got on his one knee and said,
"will you be my sussy Baka 😍🥰" "YES YES YES" Rod Reiss shouted so loud that even Connie could hear while he took a shit.

Chapter 2 coming soon😈

Rod Reiss x spikeWhere stories live. Discover now