Treacherous 63

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"A un certain moment de ta vie, tu réaliseras que certaines personnes peuvent rester dans ton cœur mais pas dans ta vie."

A/N: hi there! this one's juicy. spice it up by commenting a lot! 😙

It was cold. It was empty.

It used to be a place full of laughter and sweet giggles of the twins. The grand vintage piano was used almost every day by the eldest child, with the two younger ones sitting on the floor and listening with smiles on their faces. The father would join sometimes if not busy. And the mother would watch with contentment.

And then the Manoban Mansion completely lost its warmth sixteen years ago.

Olivia stepped inside the empty home, a maid immediately coming close to get her coat off of her. She was asked if she had had dinner and she said yes before making her way up the grand staircase.

She found herself in the room of her eldest, just like she always do every night. Everything was untouched. All of his things were left as it was.

She sat down on the empty bed, picking up the shirt prepared at the edge. It was something she had the maids to do. To prepare clothes every day and place them at the edge of the bed, as though he was still here.

And then the tears began to roll from her cold eyes. Yet her expression did not change, she was numb.

It has been like this for quite some time. Coming home to this room to reminisce the memories of her firstborn.

"My boy," Olivia uttered quietly, softly caressing her son's shirt. "Mom's here now."


Olivia paused. For the first time in years, she heard his voice. The woman looked around the room, getting up from the bed as her hold on the shirt tightened.

"I'm here, mom."

Whipping her head towards the mirror in the far corner of the room, she slowly began to walk towards it. Seeing her reflection, she stood there quietly for a few seconds.

And then she saw him.

"How are you, mother?"

There he was, just standing a few feet away behind her in front of the mirror. After sixteen long years, Olivia saw him again.

"Your mother has not been well, my son," Olivia could not contain the joy that immediately spread across her face. Her firstborn was here. She reached out, touching the mirror. "I've missed you so much. You have no idea how I have longed to see you again."

"Why are you hurting them?" The boy asked.


"My sisters. Your daughters. Why are you making them go through all of this?"

"What are you talking about, son? Mara is happy now. She told me herself. Her husband has accepted her. I have done her a favour," Olivia answered.

"Did you really? What about my Lali?"

"She took you away from me."

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