The planning.

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Morning to my boring life!!! I grew up in an orthodox family and I don't even have to get started with how conservative orthodox families are but no matter what I love my family...and not to forget I live in a joint family which is one of the nice thing in my life because the bond we share is unbreakable which am really glad about, but my life is not this happening I have had my fair share of sadness, my family never supported my passion of dancing which really makes me wanna cry, to help me with that I have my best friends our parents were friends since childhood so we have spent a lot of time together, let me introduce my alter egos to you, Nidhi and Jhanvi though I would never say them but I can't even imagine my life without them....enough of introduction got to go to school I am in hurry.
There you go they are waiting for me and am late "can you ever be a bit early" groaned nidhi "and of cource you forgot to ask your parents permission" sighed Jhanvi, I started to explain them "my parent are not okay to send me to the dance academy I did whatever they asked me, and they ditched me as usual you know right they would never be okay with me folowing my passion and not to forget it is in LA they would never be ready to send me" the whole happy mood changed into silence with sadness, "you guys should go I will be fine, it's also your guys passion, I don't wanna be the friend who won't let you guys follow your dreams I know how important is dance for you guys too" I happily said, "we want you no matter what, you know right how miserable we are without you. We will do anything to let uncle and aunty to send you to LA" nidhi passionately said, "we are coming to night out near you there we will talk to aunty for sure" Jhanvi exclaimed, "you know my parents won't listen jhan(Jhanvi) why to even waste our time, and there are very few days left you guys should go you can't just avoid the fact that you want to go so just go" I happily said, till then we reached school so we entered the class, no matter what I can't stop thinking about the dance academy in LA, this academy has always been my dream and not being able to go there makes me wanna jump off the cliff.
After hours of thinking I run to jhan and nidhi with their opinion. "JHAN NIDHI!!!! I HAVE A SOLUTION" I shouted, they both were so scared that first I ended up laughing, "you scared the shit out of us" nidhi panicked, "I guess the only solution I have is running away tonight we filled our form back then and we even got selected and nidhi you have a house, to live in also I will work to manage for food,expenses and done 'voila' problem solved" I proudly said, "omg are you serious this is an amazing plan" nidhi pat on my back, I obviously expected that from her because she is the exact crackhead like me, "no we are not doing that" angrily Jhanvi said, I was trying to make her believe me our way home though she did not say anything, but it made me believe that it's a yes, that's jhan..the moment Jhanvi would not go against me it's a YES!!!! Which made me so happy!!!!

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