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Okay, this one is for admin: can I have a hug? I mean, I want one from France too, 'cause he's my dad and all, but....admin is just waaaaaaay awesomer~.


"WAH~! I was called awesome! Francey! That's twice this week on wattpad!" I squealed.

France paused from filing his nails and looked up. "Bien, mon amie." He smiled at me then returned to his nails.

"Oh don't pout because I was asked for a hug and you were neglected even though she did say she wanted one from you too."

He looked up again. "That made no sense," he stated.

I pouted. "Ah well,." I huggled my computer. "Yay~! France! Hug the computer," I commanded.

He shook his head.

"Someone's grumpy today."

"You didn't spend the last two night in 5 different countries partying," he snapped at me.

"I'm sorry I asked bro. Just at least pat the computer."

"Non." France glanced at his watch. "One more party~." He stood and stretched.

"There is still parties going on from New Years?" I asked.

"You wouldn't believe it but I am the life of the party so some people post-pone their parties until I'm free." He smirked over at me.

"Where was that life at my birthday then?" I asked. "I needed it."

"Your parents were around!" France protested.

I scrunched up my face. "Just hug the computer and leave for your party then."

France tapped the computer with his butt and left. I facepalmed. "Thanks....for the...request.." I muttered.

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