28, Seprate

256 11 0

"Hes mine!"
absolute waste
i wish I would've tortured her
I wish I didn't lose my cool and
stabbed her so fast
at least she's dead
good riddance
Jimin would never love a crazy
bitch like her
Jimins too good for pieces of shit like her
Jimin would never accept the love of
someone whose-

"Taehyung." A hand slammed down on his desk.

Taehyungs mean thoughts popped away, batting his eyes up to see,


She seemed rather mad. Well, she always had this sort of pissed off expression.

"You didn't answer my texts yesterday."

"My notifications were off."

"Their never off."

"Mmh, yesterday they were."

They stayed silent for a minute more, the crease between Yoonjis brows growing.

"Are you upset?"

"No, why would I be?" Taehyungs voice fell flat.

"Did I say something?"

Taehyung took a breath in before answering, "No. Do you think you did?"

Yoonjis hands balled up, "Yeah."

"Yoonji, are you upset?"

"Whatever, Tae." She started walking away,
"Text me when you aren't daydreaming."

   Taehyung was actually trying to clean his act up after Yoonji said what she did. All that killing really wore him out from all his excitement. It was like eating all your candy in one sitting, with the aftermath of a sugar rush. Tired, maybe even drained.

That all changed when the students were talking more than usual. Whispers became into full on gossip. It made him more tired, until he heard a certain name. Turns out the whispers weren't just for nothing.

   Apparently, Ahrin had gotten her face beat in by Yoonji.

the girl im talking to tweeted that she wanted a bf baby what am I to u im literally gonna hold my breath nd die and I broke my sober streak
I feel like shinji on that chair 🍰

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