Author's Final Outro Note to the Reader

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There's no such thing as an ending. Only the place we decide to stop the story.

And our story stops here.

For now.

For those who have been with me from the beginning - thank you. You have been my light, my joy, and my motivation.

I've gotten requests regarding fan art. If you have fan art - if you've drawn a scene from any of the books in this series and want to share that with me - please, PLEASE share with me at my email! Or at the Valkyries of Fensalir Discord server at

And if you've enjoyed this journey and would like to support me as I get my master's in novel writing, visit me at, where for the equivalent of a cup of coffee you can help me keep creating content as I chase my dreams to one day see one of my stories on a bookstore shelf.

And remember, you can always come back to any of the Unfettered books. I'll be here waiting for you.



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