Training Completed, Wrath vs Maximoff Twins (Age of Ultron 2015)

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(A few hours after the incident)

It turns out that Y/N had actually tried to convince Bruce and Tony to not create Ultron because it will only make things worse for everyone, and he was right. Everyone is currently in the lab, discussing about everything and anything that Ultron had just done in the past few hours, except for Y/N though. He is currently in his room, training with Augus again, and it seems that the two of them are neck-and-neck at the moment.

"Good! Very good! You're getting stronger than what you were before!" Augus shouts out as he tries to punch his pupil with a right hook, but he manages to duck it, and with three of his arms in Vajra form, he sends a hook of his own, knocking him back a few feet. Asura, who is watching from the sidelines, smirks at the progress his student is making before his master gets serious, and a halo appearing behind him.

Augus smiles wildly. "Well done, Y/N. You've made this a much more enjoyable fight than I was expecting. Now, it is time for the final test!" He says, grabbing onto the sheathe of his sword and takes it out, spinning it for a bit of flair before his right hand settles onto the hilt.

"Show me that you can defeat me with all your strength, and maybe I might lend you my sword in battle." He says, fully unsheathing it and tossing the sheathe away. Y/N readies himself in his stance as the two stare at each other, neither one making the first move. Then, three seconds after, they charge at each other once more before Augus leaps into the air and slice down onto Y/N, who manages to catch the blade with all six arms before redirecting it onto the ground beside him.

"I'm ready, Master Augus! I will beat you!" Y/N shouts out as his Mantra flares up.

"Then let's see if all your training has been engraved into your mind!" They quickly start to fight each other using everything they've got, punches, kicks, sword slices. It seems like a stalemate is the fair conclusion for this fight, but Augus has a trick up his nonexistent sleeves. He points his sword towards Y/N, waits a few moments before his sword starts to extend rapidly as the tip of the blade tries to stab into him. Yet again, Y/N catches the blade with all of his arms, but he is quickly carried backwards by how much the sword is extending, soon after, Augus runs forward when the sword reaches it's maximum length. This causes Y/N to move even further backwards until they reach an invisible border, which stops Y/N from skidding even more backwards and causes the sword to stab into his stomach.

Asura sees this happening and thinks back on how that has happened to him when he and Augus fought as well. And it was nothing short of reminiscent to the original fight. Not before long, every one of Y/N's arms starts to break off one by one from the pressure until one of his right arms is left. Having no other choice, he uses up all the force that he has stored up into one final punch to snap the blade into two just as Augus was about to sit on top of him. However, this also destroys his last arm, but it luckily disarms the blind swordsman. With the sword flipping in the air, Y/N jumps into the air, grabs the sword by his teeth and uses his momentum to spin like a top and slash at Augus in the stomach, ending the fight for good.

'Just like all those years ago...' Asura thinks to himself as a flashback of him doing the same thing is compared to Y/N's version, and both version are done as if he was looking into a mirror.

"That was one hell of a battle, Y/N. So I ask you this...where will your anger take you?" Augus asks as he lays defeated on the ground, and his stomach cut open to reveal his mechanized body while bolts of electricity spark out from him.

Y/N spits out the sword from his mouth and answers. "I'll take it to wherever the good fight is at. I'll use it to defeat the threat that will destroy the universe." Hearing that satisfactory answer, Augus chuckles lowly before gesturing to his broken sword.

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