Tattoos - Ben Chilwell

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You carefully dried your hair with a towel while you hummed along the music that came out of your phone. You swayed your hips from left to right and stopped when the music did as well. You looked down and swiped the drops away before lifting the phone and putting it on the little cabinet, swiping across. "Hello hello" you grinned and watched how his smile curled upwards. "Hey, babe" Ben smiled and leaned back against his car seat. "Are you at the stadium?" you asked and he nodded, turning his phone around for a moment. "Yeah. I think everyone is inside already but I just needed to call you" he said and you smiled and leaned forwards. "You're cute sometimes" you told him and watched him. "I wish you would be here" he groaned and you took your phone and walked with him to the living room. "I had to write the exam" you told him and he nodded: "I know I know" he mumbled and you chuckled. "Stop being so grumpy. You will be back tomorrow morning. I am going to make pancakes. It will be good. And you will win. Maybe even score. So that's something to look forward to, huh?" you asked and saw him smiling again. "Definitely. Will I even get Nutella on the pancakes?" he pouted and you chuckled. "If you win, yes". You watched as his eyes got bigger and how he stepped out of the car. "Alright. That's doable" he said and you winked at him.

He grabbed his bag and walked with you on the phone towards the entrance. "Alright. I think I have to go now" he said and looked at you. "Good luck" you said and crossed your fingers in front of the screen. "I'll be watching". Ben smiled and blew a kiss to the screen. "I love you" he said calmly and you repeated his actions. "I love you too".

But your positivity was brought back to reality when they didn't managed to get one goal. The opponent however did and you sighed loud when you saw a 3:0 at the end. Ben was gone the second the referee blew the whistle and you looked at your phone every ten seconds just to check. It took him thirty minutes before he called you. You pushed the phone against your ear and heard him sighing. "I'm sorry" you whispered and he huffed slightly. "You're the last one I am mad at. We just played shit. I am angry at me and probably all the others too" he groaned and you stayed silent for a moment. "I know it sucks. But it is only one game. You are still up there. Just take it from this game and put it onto the next one. You'll win again" you said and waited for any reaction. "Ever thought about working as a motivation coach?" Ben asked and you chuckled. "No. But do you really want me to share it with other people that are not you?" you asked. "Nope. Not one second. You're my personal coach" he said and you smiled. "That's what I thought. And you will still get Nutella pancakes" you told him and he was silent again. "You have no idea how much I love you" he said and you felt your cheeks heating up. "I love you too" you whispered and listened to him fumbling around in the car.

"Are you off?" you asked and he was still on it. "Yeah I think so. I kind of want to go to bed" he mumbled and you got up. "Yeah I get it. I will go as well. Tell me when you are there. Maybe I will be awake" you told him. "Yeah I will. But try to sleep love, okay? I'll see you later" he said and you smiled. "I can't wait. Good night, babe".

And you didn't make it for much longer. Once you hit the pillow your exhaustion took over and you fell asleep, not being able to keep your eyes open. You didn't noticed that Ben took his "See you later" more serious than you had in mind. He tiptoed through the bedroom and saw you lying on his side, head hidden in the pillow. Ben smiled down at you and undressed himself before getting in from your side and hugging you from behind. You groaned slightly and slowly woke up, feeling his arms tight around you. "Ben?" you mumbled and carefully turned around. You opened your eyes but couldn't see a thing. "Of course it is me" he chuckled and you stretched your arms out, pulling him closer. "It's not morning already, right?" you yawned and pushed your hand in his hair. "No. I just came here straight after the game" he whispered and you smiled tiredly. "I'm glad".

You couldn't see a lot but you felt how he took your hand and carefully stroke along your finger. It was your finger with the small flower tattoo on it and he loved to trace it. Ben was humming slightly and let go of your hand after a minute and placed it on your thigh where another one was. He knew the placements by heart and you chuckled slightly but let him be, just pulling more on top of you. He listened to your heartbeat and traced up your side and under your shirt. He drew a little heart right on top of the one you had placed on your braline. It didn't take him long before he fell asleep and you listened to his regular breathing. You pushed his hair back and smiled, following him into the deep sleep.

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