The Game of Temptation ~5~

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Hey guys!

I'm on a ROLL with this story! I hate that school's going to start up again soon and ruin that:/

ANYWAY, hope you like this chapter guys!

So, enjoy:)

Chapter Five


 "Hey, you wanna go bowling?" Chloe had called to ask just that one question. She'd already invited Nick and a couple of her friends so there'd be more of us.

 I checked the time; it was 4PM. I needed to call Isabelle around 8... "Sure, what time?"

 "There's a discount starting at 7, so I was thinking around then?"

 I bit my cheek. If I took my phone I could just text her all night, and call her tomorrow to make up for it. Or I could call her when her class got out at 5. Either worked.

 "Sure. Meet you there."

 "Awesome. Alright, I'm about to be late for class so I'll see you then."

 We hung up, and I sighed. They were both in some class, and I had nothing to do. I didn't want to risk texting Isabelle in case she had a strict teacher. Then again, this wasn't high school...

 I figured I'd wait anyway. She was in class, and for all I knew they were having a "let's see what you know" quiz.

 I had nothing to do. I wasn't tired, I didn't really need anything.

 I could get some late lunch though.

 I walked around for a while, trying to figure out what sounded good. God I was bored. I knew later in the year this Monday was going to become the greatest day in the world because I'd be able to use it for homework, but right now it sucked. A lot.

 Eventually I decided to just stop at Subway. Maybe after this I would walk around and see if I could figure out any shortcuts between my classes. It would definitely be useful.

 As I walked around the campus again, the memory of coming here with Isabelle popped into my head, her voice mentioning something about how she loved the layout, the way it seemed so "college-y".

 I found myself smiling at that thought. She'd insisted for days after that it was a real word, at least in her dictionary.

 I missed her. It was crazy, it had been two weeks. If this was how bad it felt now, it would be so much worse later. Or would it get easier?

 I hoped to God it did. I wasn't ready to lose her, lose us. Hell, we'd been talking about things like when we'd want to get married, would we even want to? We'd both realized it would be a stupid idea to try straight after high school because of college, but after college? Would we still be into each other?

 I hoped so. I loved her, had loved her for more years than I wanted to admit. I don't think I'd even told her how much I loved her.

 Maybe I should start telling her more. Maybe that would help in some way.

 And I couldn't deny it, I missed her. The way she smiled, the way she smelled. I missed making love with her. I missed being with her, loved knowing she'd only ever done anything with me.

 Well, me and that one girl we invited that one time. It had definitely not been as hot as porn made it out to be.

 But she'd never dated anyone other than me, she'd only really kissed me (seriously, that girl did not count), and she'd only ever been with me.

 I'd never known life without her, and it was weird. I hated not being able to see her but, at the same time, I did like the friends I'd made.

 I really hoped we could find some way to make all our new friends meet. It would be interesting, that's for sure. From what Isabelle had told me about Ren, Caroline, and that one roommate of Ren's, I had a feeling I knew what would happen. Ren would hit on Chloe, and I was pretty sure Chloe would flirt right back only to cry later when he used her then dumped her. Nick would flirt a little with Caroline, then go crazy when she didn't text him on time. That one roommate would probably just show everyone his fashion designs. Apparently that's what he does.

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