The beginning

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        I wake up in the dark, the cold, hard ground beneath my body. My head and ribs hurt, what happened? Looking around, metal pieces surround me. It doesn't look like anyone was hurt, there's no one her but me, but I don't know how I ended up in this place. Maybe something jumped in front of me, maybe there was a distraction. The different scenarios flood through my mind, but none that make sense. Why am I alone, in the dark, in this are? Wait, where was I going? Really.... Where am I now?

        I see lights and head towards them, the night on the road deserted, not a person or thing to be seen. Continuing along the blackened road, the night is soundless, there's a shabby and faded road sign, 'Stayever- So peaceful you'll never want to leave'. Is this the direction i was going or was it the place I was leaving? If it is the place I was leaving, what's the reason for wanting to leave? I enter despite the overflowing feeling of imminent danger in my stomach. Walking through, there is no noise, besides the frequent sound of the wind in my ears, for now this is ruins. Dust covers the tattered and broken stone that looked to be old homes, but are now shelter for animals to hide. It's so dark and ominous, shuffling noises arise from behind me, I whip around, I thought this place was abandoned with nothing but wild animals. Not expecting an answer, but still call out, "he----hello?!"

        "Parker?.... I thought you left?" A boy comes out of the shadows, a boy not too young, dressed in rugged clothes and covered in dirt.

        "Who's Parker?"

        "You're kidding right? What are you doing? I don't think you should be out here." He averts my gaze, never glancing away from his hands.

        "Wait. You said you thought I left, what do you mean by that? Why does it matter?" More and more questions build up in my mind; knowing I can't ask them at this time, this boy doesn't approach me as trustworthy right now.

        "Yeah. Everyone's talking about how you left the town, and how that has caused drama and turmoil throught it." This broke a nerve in me, did anything bad happen? Why was it my fault?

        "Who are you? And why are you here and telling me this?"

        "I'm Trevor." He lowered his voice to a whisper, " and I know what happened to you." When he said this e wasn't looking at the ground but looking around with a paranoid look. What is going on? I need to assume there's no trusting anyone right now.

        Trevor's lips trembled, not sure if he is nervous or cold, I can see that his nails are destroyed form him picking at them, the wounds look to be fairly fresh. Still he spoke in a shaky tone, "Here, lets get home."

        "I'm honestly lost. will you---" He is already walking off towards the lights, out of the ruins.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2015 ⏰

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