Paprika Hits The Fan

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Hi bish its God Author. I forgot that...ahem...sometimes you need trigger warnings. of gore, gross things, murder, cannibalism (mentioned)...and lol idk just don't read this. period.

Ally had made a breakthrough.

Monster Energy drinks seemed to have great capacity to make chickens want to eat hawks.

It was lunch time at Mantasackolantosiaha University.

(This is pronounced Man-ta-sak-oh-lan-tose-eh-a)

Ally and Science were in an empty classroom
(I guess it's not empty if they are in it?)

Ally seemed to think she could train chickens to attack and eat hawks.

She had been trying for quite a few years, but it had always proved difficult.

Science had been silently judging her all this time while spinning around on a swivel chair.

It is unnatural for chickens to be higher up on the food chain than hawks.

Chickens can't fly very high. Until now.

"Go go go chickens!!!"

"We must empower the chickens of today!"

"Kill the hawks"

Ally's inspirational speech was interrupted by the door swinging open.

Oh shit!

MiMi walks through the door.

MiMi is alive!???

What the hell?

"WE HAD A WHOLE ASS FUNERAL!!" Science shouted.

This is all she cares about.

Ally immediately knows what's up.

(The ceiling)

"It's an imposter. Like one of those aliens that can transform itself into the bodies of the dead"

"NOOOOO!!" Shouts MiMi

Science looked as if she might burst into tears "It's all to waste! We spent 3 hours planning!"

MiMi looked at her strangely "Well dam you couldn't have used a better photo on the funeral pamphlet?"

"Well we searched up your name" Ally says with a deadpan expression.

"That's my cursed photo😪 I tried to keep it from you" MiMi starts to feel sad.

Science nodded. "The internet will haunt you"

MiMi looks confused by this.

"You should have listened to the cyber safety people who come to school🙄 EVERYTHING YOU PUT ON THE INTERNET STAYS ON THE INTERNET!!" Science jokes.

"Yeah...but I don't have a long enough attention span for that" MiMi says.

.....Aren't we supposed to be shocked MiMi is here?

"We found out you won a flag competition" Ally voices smartly.

"And 'Rain Of Children'" Science adds.

MiMi is very much fucking *confused*

"Rain of children????"

"Did you kill loads of children and chuck them off a cliff?" Ally suddenly seemed a whole lot more interested.

MiMi's mouth opens in realisation. "OOOOHHHH!!! that."

Science had zoned out from the conversation but looked up at Ally's question ofthrowing children off cliffs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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