36: Forth and Forever Forward

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  • Dedicated to the ones who stood by this story till the end

~Mikayla's pov~

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~Mikayla's pov~

I stood on my tiptoes in search for the others.

It was the last day of school, meaning graduation practice would be taking place in half an hour. It was eight in the morning and all seniors had to come to school early to practice graduation, and we had just finished practicing for the first time but they called for another practice before we go out to eat. Thankfully though, we had a twenty minute break before the second practice started and I wanted to talk to my friends.

I was wearing an old dress that I only wore once for Layla's birthday and she demanded that everyone that came dressed formally. And Alyssa loaned me some old high heels of hers.

"Mikayla!" I heard behind me. Turns out, my friends found me before I could find them. They were all in a group by the bleachers where the audience would watch the ceremony, waving me down to where they were.

I smiled before hopping down from the seat that I used to help find them and ran as fast as I could with the heels on over to them.

By the wide smiles on their faces, you were able to sense they were happy they are going to be graduating today.

Immediately when I reached them, I got a kiss on the cheek from Jacob seeing as how I hadn't seen him all morning because I woke up early and felt like walking to school. When I turned to Alyssa, I jumped and attacked her in a hug, so my feet were up in the air as she was forced to hold me up or I would fall. I squealed to show my excitement that I was graduating!

Then there's college. I haven't got any acceptance letters from any college I've applied to yet, but the concept of a gap-year has been coming up lately. Moving out of the house, getting an apartment or something, put my parents in the past-it all sounds really good to me. Although, I'm still quite iffy about it still because I was always told―weather it'd be from a friend or movie or a teacher―'it's never cool to be the oldest in the room'. I don't know why they always tell me this, but I didn't want to find out and regret it.

It just seems really scary. It's all scary―growing up is scary.

Alyssa clapped and and put her hands to her mouth seeming really excited to tell me but too excited to form it to words.

I smiled, knowing it's good news. "What is it?" I asked in an over-the-top high-pitched voice because my smile was just so big.

She leaned from foot to foot because she couldn't jump in the heels she was in. "I got in!" she yelled and clasped her hands onto my shoulders. "I found out this morning."

"FIT?" She nodded and I grinned and pulled her to me in a second bone-crushing hug. I was so happy for her. She wanted to go here ever since she found out 'FIT' was a university that offered design in New York, New York being the place she always wanted to live when she was old enough, and after researching it to find out more, she fell in love.

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