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~ some time later ~

Clay's POV

Alyssa barged into the infirmary and walked towards Clay with purpose in her step.

She grabbed his arm and tried tugging him up, but Clay didn't budge.

Alyssa let out a frustrated sigh. "Clay, let's go for a walk. This isn't healthy."

"I think I know what is and what isn't healthy for me."

"As the castle healer, I can, in fact, inform you that this is not good for you. Sitting around all day, waiting for George to wake up is draining you."

"I'm perfectly fine," Clay replied. "Besides, he'll wake up soon. I know it."

"Clay... it's been four weeks."

Clay looked up in surprise. After a moment, he shrugged and stated firmly, "George is strong. I believe in him."

"I do too," Alyssa said, her voice saddening as she said, "Clay, Emberfall isn't advanced enough for medical situations like this. No country is. I can't keep him like this forever. His body will just get weaker and weaker, even if I keep feeding him... maybe we should just accept the fact that―"

"No," Clay interrupted, his tone bitter, "I'm not giving up on him."

Alyssa sighed. "Clay, look at me."

Clay slowly lifted his head to face Alyssa. Her face saddened as she looked into his eyes.

Alyssa's voice wavered, "You can't keep waiting for him. There's a very slim chance that George will wake up."

Clay glared at her. "Don't say that."

"I'm sorry, but I have to," she paused and said quietly, "you-you wait every single day. I can see how determined you are. Your mind is holding out hope each day, but I can see how your heart breaks at the thought of reality. Clay― George is... he's not doing well."

Clay's hands trembled as he fisted them. "Stop."

Her eyes lined with tears, "George is dying... and he's taking you with him."

"I said stop," Clay said hoarsely, squeezing his eyes shut.

"No, I care about you and you need to know that. I'm doing this for you. Clay, you're in denial."

Clay stood up abruptly and glared at Alyssa. "George is going to wake up! Take your depressing words and leave."

Alyssa looked at him sadly. "You're spiraling, Clay, down a pit. It's going to drag you down and down. You're waiting on a miracle that will most likely never happen."

Clay grit his teeth. "Shut up. I don't want to hear this."

"But you need to hear it―"

"No!" Clay shouted, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his heart raced from the sudden rush of adrenaline, "I don't want your fucking words of wisdom."

He threw his hands in the air and swayed slightly. Clay placed his hand on a table to steady himself.

"Look at yourself Clay," Alyssa said, a tear falling down her cheek, "When was the last time you had a decent meal?"

Clay slammed his fist on the table, cutting his hand. "Does it matter?! I need to be here for George when he wakes up. I don't know how many times I have to repeat that!"

Karl walked into the room, disrupting their conversation, "Is everything alright? I heard shouting."

He eyed Clay with concern. Clay's chest rose and fell in anger and frustration. He grabbed a cloth, his hands trembling as he wiped the blood off them.

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