chapter ten

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      ROSIE HELD ONTO HER older sister's back, being carried through the crowds of scared people who wanted a safe place. They followed their eldest brother who carried their youngest cousin in his arms. The four headed to the WICKED station who had announced they were going to take kids to a safe place before any adults.

"What'd we talk about, Rosie?" Her sister asked pushing through the adults jealous over the prioritization of kids. Her arms secured under her little sister's legs. Not wanting Rosie to know, Nina was scared out of her mind trying to also keep her sister calm and collected.

The young girl kept her chin placed on her sister's shoulder, it was the closest feeling she had to her mother. "Stay together and we'll be okay." Rosie's eyes wondered down to her sister's hand that held onto a knife as tight as she probably could.

Her sister nodded staying close to her brother who had been told by their father to get into the train before they depart. They had been separated from their parents a few days ago and have been wondering around together trying to survive from the town that was being overturned by cranks. Everyone was looking for away to get out but somehow every way out was either blocked or overturned by cranks.

"Nina!" The eldest brother called out not being able to turn around thinking if he took his eyes off his little cousin, someone—something would take him away.

"Right behind you, Vince!" Nina replied back grabbing a handful of Vincent's t-shirt as the two eldest siblings navigated their way to the station while carrying the youngest on their backs and arms.

Rosie felt a tug on the back of her shirt causing her to turn her head feeling herself lose contact from her sister. "Nini!" The young girl screamed being pulled away from her sister. Nina swiftly turned around feeling the weight peeling off her noticing her sister being grabbed by a fidgeting sweaty man.

Vince turned around as well hearing his little sister's scream. "Rosie!" Nina yelled after her pushing people away from her as the man dragged her away.

"Your knife, Nina!" Vince yelled out knowing the capability of his sister's aim. Nina saw her sister being taken away by a man who had just turned his back to her. Taking a few breaths, Nina threw the knife landing it in the man's back. Sudden screams came out of people's mouths once they saw the man being stabbed.

Rushing to her sister, Rosie squirmed away from the man's grasp once he felt to his knees. Reaching to her, Nina got a hold of her sister's hand before taking out the knife out of the man's back. "You killed him!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 - 𝘔𝘈𝘡𝘌 𝘙𝘜𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘙Where stories live. Discover now