Chapter Four

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Eric's POV


"My God, you suck at opening doors," I roll my eyes.

Davina gives me a hard stare. "It's stuck!" I knew that.

"Alright, here, let me do it, move."

She moves to the side so I can try to open the door myself. The other doors we've opened are identical to this one, same size and everything, so I assumed the difficulty of opening it would be as low as the others too, but apparently not. I'm struggling just as much as Davina did. This door won't budge.

I focus my attention on the handle, acting like I haven't already given up, trying to hide my embarrassment. But Davina sees right through me.

"Not so easy is it?" she asks.

"No," I glare at her. "Something's pushing it from the other side." I'm not even sure if that's true or if I'm just making up an excuse for why I can't open this shitty door.

"So what should we do?" Lucas asks.

The three of us think silently until Davina speaks again.


"That's good," I laugh. Good to know this girl's not stupid. "Alright, whose are we using? We don't need a lot."

"We'll use mine," Davina quickly replies, going down on her knees to stick the dynamite onto the door.

"Well get to it then."

She looks up at me with the angriest glare. I accidentally made my tone sound bossy. I didn't even mean for it to sound like that. I'm just getting impatient and more and more anxious about the fact that Alex and Ben took Isabel. By now, Alex has probably shot his shot with her already.

"Okay, ready?" Davina's finished. "Now we just need to light it."

I reach into the inside of my jacket, pulling out a box of matches and hand it to Davina. "Here."

Lucas and I start backing away as the dynamite begins to spark. Davina rushes to the door and starts yelling. This girl has her stomach only inches away from the dynamite.

"Get away from the door!" she shouts, hoping whoever is inside will hear.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I shout back.

"Well whoever is inside, we want them alive, don't we? My brother could be in there."

I almost forgot we're still searching for her brother, Adrian. This seems to be distracting her from the fact that her other brother died though, which I guess is good. If her brother is inside, hopefully he isn't standing near the door. If he is, then the same thing that happened to Yuri will happen to him. Then Davina will have lost both her brothers in one night.

"How much damage will this do?" I ask. We're all waiting for the dynamite to explode, keeping our distance from the door.

"Shouldn't be too mu-" Davina replies, but is cut off by the explosion that's way bigger than I expected. The loud sound causes my ears to ring since I'm so much closer to it than the first explosion. Filling my vision is smoke. Smoke so thick, I can't see through it. I start walking a random direction, tripping every once in a while, hoping it'll lead me away from the door we just blew up. The ringing is so loud, I can't even hear my own coughs.

Davina wanted whoever was inside to live? Why the hell was the explosion so big? Why did she use so much more dynamite than what was needed?

I use my arms to search for a wall as I guide myself away from the smoke. I know I've finally reached the main room when I feel multiple people screaming and running past me.

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