Todoroki vs Bakugo

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"Ooh, this is the big fight!" Hawks said excitedly, munching on the fried chicken he'd ordered. He was sharing with Eri, and her face was smeared with chicken grease already. It was adorable, and to make things better, she still hadn't gotten off of his lap. Keigo was really starting to feel like her uncle, if not her father. "Who do you think will win, Eri?" he asked her.

"I like Shoto," she said. "He's nice."

"Oh, I see," Hawks said seriously, nodding like that was exactly what he'd asked. "He's pretty strong, right?"

"Mhm," she said. "He has a scar, too. And his eyes look like uncle Dabi's."

"Is Dabi already your uncle, too?" asked copy-Michi, sounding amused. "And Twice?"

"Yup!" she said confidently, bobbing her head up and down in affirmation.

"Will I get to meet your other uncles?" Hawks asked curiously, ruffling her hair affectionately. Jeez, he got attached to her really fast, and that was coming from the man who did everything too fast for his own good. Except for people. He could proudly say he was not too fast when it came to doing people.

"I don't think so," Eri said, answering his question. "I don't want you to arrest them."

Keigo's eyebrows shot up, and he looked at Michi, who shrugged. "She has a point," Michi said simply without any further explanation.

"Oh... okay," Hawks said. He shrugged. "I'll worry about that after Overhaul is taken care of."

"Shh, the match is about to start," Michi said, leaning forward as Todoroki and Bakugo faced off. Keigo could feel the tension from where he was sitting; this was a seriously intense rivalry.

"Please welcome our top two first-year students!" Present Mic screamed. "Both of them have easily wiped out all of their other competition—how will they do against each other?! It's the final match of the day, Todoroki versus Bakugo! Who will take first place?!"

The crowd was roaring in anticipation. Midnight held up her whip, making sure the contestants were ready, before starting the fight with a crack.

Just like in his fight against Sero, Todoroki started with a massive surge of ice, although it wasn't quite as big as it was in that first match. Bakugo quickly disappeared under the onslaught, his hands flying almost faster than even Hawks could follow as he blasted the ice out of his way. The crowd fell silent in anticipation while Present Mic continued his commentating. "What a first move! Is it over already?"

The stadium started to shake, answering the question. In a few moments, a hole shattered through the ice, revealing a pissed-off Katsuki Bakugo.

"You're not going to win with that kind of half-ass attitude!" Bakugo roared, launching himself towards Todoroki. In a swift exchange of blows, Bakugo used the same move he'd used against Hamasaki to throw Todoroki towards the boundary. Todoroki twisted midair and brought up a wall of ice, skating along it and diverting his momentum with a grace and skill that exceeded a lot of pro heroes—and he was only a first-year student!

Mic was further hyping the audience with his comments, but Hawks tuned him out, leaning forward to analyze each boy's moves. Todoroki fought with the practiced ease that came with years of training, as expected from Endeavor's son. The other boy, Bakugo, on the other hand, was fighting evenly with Todoroki even though he obviously had no formal combat training. His natural grace, coordination, and reaction speed combined with his brilliant use of his quirk made him a force to be reckoned with; by the time he graduated, he could probably already be in the top ten with a small attitude adjustment.

Well, maybe not so small. Or maybe not at all; Endeavor was number two, after all.

The crowd and Present Mic were getting way too loud to hear what the two students were saying to each other, so Hawks sent down a couple of feathers just close enough to pick up on their words.

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