18| closure

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Hudson and I came to an agreement that I would stay with him until Saturday. The past few days have been really good, honestly. I appreciate him letting me stay, even after that conversation about what happened before he flew down here. But, now it's Saturday. Here I am, sitting in Hudson's car. I glance over at him, watching the wind blow through his dark hair. As though he knew I was looking, he turns his head and smiles. "You can stay longer if you want."

I shake my head. "I've already overstayed my welcome. Plus, it should be safe now. If I'm lucky, he was just passing through."

"If that's not the case, I'm only a call away. I'll run all the way here if I have to."

"You don't mean that," I can't help but laugh at the image of him running across the beach, all the way to my doorstep.

He grins. "I mean it wholeheartedly. Do you want me to get your stuff?"

I shake my head again and get out. Hudson opens the trunk and I grab my bag. My next stop is the driver's side door. "I'll text you later, okay?"

"I'll be waiting," he teases.

And with that, I go inside and watch from the window as he pulls out of the driveway. The easy part is over with. During the time I spent at Hudson's house, I came to a realization. One that I should have reached a long time ago, but one that felt so unlikely at the time. I need to cut Selene off. I've been enabling her for too long, and it's time to put an end to it.

Speak of the devil and she appears. Selene comes down the stairs, stopping in front of them when she notices me. "Look what the cat dragged in. It's about time you came home."

So this is how we're doing this. Alright. "We need to talk, Selene."

"Yeah, you're right. There's a lot we need to talk about...specifically about Mick."

Suddenly, kicking her out is the least of my concerns. It's moved to the very bottom of the list. "What about him?"

"He, uh," she sighs. "He's back in town. For a while. He said that he's going to come back today so that I can go with him to see his friends. I know you're scared of him, so I wanted to warn you in advance...he seemed pretty pissed off that you weren't here...threw a vase at me and screamed until I made him leave."

Mick's cruelty has never been much of a surprise to me. I never thought his anger would extend to her. She always seemed like an angel in his eyes, which was part of her problem now. For every time I enabled her, he'd do it two times over. Even so, she's still got to go. I appreciate her warning, and I'm going to take it to heart. But her parents still have their house in town, she crashes there from time to time when she doesn't want to bring her hookups here, she can just as easily stay there until she gets back on her feet.

"While I appreciate the heads up, you need to leave. Like...soon. I'll give you time to pack, but I want you out as soon as possible. Tell Mick you're gonna meet him at your parent's house, but just don't stay here. And don't bring him back over here either."

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