050 - all i can ask

94 18 10

themes: trauma, healing, strength

the world was not made for people like us

who were brashly born to grow our gardens

blooming beauty in our mending minds

amidst the plague of sorrow and death

instead it feeds off the pain we feel

only a product of the torturous fevers

spreading in shadows of inborn ignorance

as it seeks to choke every drop of life

the fire in your body keeps us warm

but their flames sought to scorch us

the water in my heart gives us life

but their floods sought to drown us

as we sink deeper inside this inferno

every instinct screaming for breath

i learn to bring us to the tsunami's surface

until we regain feeling in our roots

your beauty wasn't meant for this cruelty

my brokenness cuts clear to the bone

i wouldn't ask you to piece me together

so all i can ask of you is to stay

thank you to nyx-malfoy for giving me the idea for this piece

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