A New Story.

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You spent all weekend with Santana, most of which she spent crying. After she sang with you, you went to work. In that time JBI wrote and published a story, and posted it to his blog. He also included a video of the performance, which had 700 views. Santana's secret was out to the whole school. You know how it feels, so you comforted her. You walk into school on Monday, and see Santana in Overalls. She looks so good. Everyone was staring at her. JBI then came microphone in hand.

"Santana, what do you say to all the rumors and sources confirming that your a lesbian?"

"They're all a lie. I'm dating Karofsky, and I'm not seeing any girl on the side."

"And what do you say to your performance, while wearing a shirt stating you Love Girls?" You walk over to Jacob.

"That was my fault. S-she lost a bet on whether or not the rumor about the janitor drinking vodka out of a teapot was true, so I made her wear the shirt as a joke and had her sing with me. I think she's done answering your questions now Jacob." You say, wrapping your arm around Santana's as she shuts her locker and the two of you walk into the choir room. The whole school is buzzing since the newspaper came back, and was only reporting gossip. You walk into Glee Club, and watch as Finn flips out over the rumor about Sam and Quinn. He ends up storming out of the room and you all pratice without him.

The Next Day.

You walk into Glee Club, and sit down next to Tina. You and Santana agreed it's best not to be seen socializing because it would only feed into the gossip. You feel really bad for her right now, and want to help her in any way you can. She shouldn't feel so pressured to hide who she is, but this isn't the way a secret like this is supposed to be exposed. Not by being outed. As the bell rings April walks into the room and you all watch, as she starts singing Dreams by Fleetwood Mac and Mr. Shue joins in with some harmonies. After they finish singing, Mr. Shue talks about Rumors by Fleetwood Mac and how it brought them closer together. He then said the assignment was to perform any song from the album. After he finishes talking the bell rings. You go with Brittany to your next class. Normally Santana would've joined you. You look at her and she gives you a sad smile as you and Brittany leave the choir room together.

The Next Day.

Santana had you meet her after school in the choir room. The doors were locked, so it was just the two of you and Brad.

"Okay, Santana what am I doing here?" You ask, curiously.

"I know how hard this is for you. To witness, and let's be real it hurts more because it's me getting exposed. But I don't want you forgetting how I feel. Becuase I-I still do." Santana's eyes start getting a little watery. "And what better way to express it, then in song. I went through that Rumors album and I found a song, I just really wanted to sing to you." You smile as Brad starts playing Songbird on the piano. Santana stares deeply into your eyes, as she sings the song with so much emotion. You can tell this is more vulnerable then she has ever been. You feel yourself starting to tear up as you look at Santana's dark brown eyes, that are becoming very watery. As the song comes to a close you stand up and wrap her into a warm hug. You feel her relax with your touch, as she melts into your arms.

"Hey, I just want you to know that I really do care about you. And I really want to be with you, but I understand that right now I have to wait for the way that you'll feel comfortable to. And I can't wait for that day to come." Santana pulls away with a week smile.

"Thank you. For everything. For being so understanding. For always helping me. And I really want to be with you too, it's just the thought of conforming the rumors is terrifying to me." You gently rub Santana's arm.

"And I understand that. And I'm willing to wait until you feel comfortable."

"But I feel bad about that. About making you wait. You shouldn't have to wait for me, and I don't want you waiting forever until you just hate me. I don't want to do that to you."

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