Chapter 54:meeting some people

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hey everyone, yeah, I'm back, I'm sorry for not publish anything for almost a month, but I'm really busy with some important exam so I hope you understand and can forgive me for the late in the publication

anyway enjoy the chapter

accelerator was standing in front of uiharu,she was frozen for over a minute,yes,she didn't move a finger nor blink for an entire minute

accelerator just stand there as he watch her [i should have maybe choose better words.....or start the conversation in a different way,on another subject and slowly go toward the subject "mafia"]

"tch....."accelerator was annoyed[i can't believe i'm thinking that but i may need to improve my social skill....]

then uiharu suddenly unfroze

"heh?"the girl look around,she see accelerator and start sweating

"hey"said accelerator to attract a bit more her attention

she slowly realise

"sorry,i-i was lost in th-thought"said uiharu

"don't worry...i know i went a bit too fast with this conversation"

"i-if it involve something illegal then...."said uiharu but she hesitate a bit,she find the situation a bit strange

however,despite being a level 1,uiharu would still say no to a level 5

[i get she did protect last order against the number 2]

accelerator sigh

"before you choose an answer ,can you let me explain the whole thing ? because i'm afraid that by the word illegal,you misunderstood something"said accelerator

[well,me wanting her to use the camera all over the city is kinda against the rules,but not that much given her role as a member of judgement however,the next thing i want her to do is illegal but given the situation if it's to stop an illegal mafia....she may agree] thought accelerator

[him asking me to do something illegal like that seems weird...but he did save kuroko and i from what i know so far....i doubt he does illegal thing for the fun of it] thought uiharu,she was also thinking about everything she knew about accelerator so far,she has no reason not to trust him,he never seem like a liar so far and he only did good since he came back from academic city,ad that to the fact that kuroko is alive thanks to him,she wouldn't really be able to refuse anything

"can somewhere else ?"ask uiharu with hesitation

"not in the middle of the street for example...."

"i agree,let's just walk in an alley,we should be fine there"said accelerator

uiharu followed accelerator....she was a bit uneasy

then they stop and talk a bit

accelerator explain to her the whole plan so far,while uiharu seem to agree to the plan more and more,she didn't seem to like all of it

"why can't you just ask for the help of judgement or antiskill ?"ask uiharu at some point

"because the mafia is from outside,and with academic city  political policies which is,that the city don't care what's happening outside the city,anti-skill would just kick the people in academic city out,but never destroying the source of it and so more people are still going to come"

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