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Bakugou's POV:

Many hours had passed since he'd arrived at the hospital, the afternoon light beginning to shine through the small window on the far right wall of the room you'd been placed in. 

Nothing had changed, not even the slightest movement had come from your body. Each time a nurse came in they would say the same thing, that you were in good physical condition, and there was nothing they could do but wait.

All Might had guessed that you'd awaken once the blood was out of your system, but no one knew how long that would take, and no one knew what would happen to you during that time. 

He sat in the small chair that he'd pulled closer to the hospital bed, the scratchy material rubbing against him each time he moved. 

Hawks had left a little while ago, claiming that there was some business he needed to handle. 

All of the UA staff were busy dealing with the loss of a teacher and the arrest of the principal, which left you here without any adult to speak for you. 

He worried about what would happen once you woke up. Without Mr. Aizawa, there was no one holding official guardianship. Technically, you'd been placed under UA's protection, but now that the school was closed there was no telling where you'd go.

 Hawks may have claimed to have some semblance of guardianship over you, but there was no way that it would hold. Even if it did, the guy wasn't trustworthy. Last night, he hadn't gotten a chance to question him before everything had gone down, and today, he'd left before Bakugou could ask him anything.

What would happen to you wasn't the only thing to be worried about. Now that All For One was free, there was no telling who he would go after, or what he would do. The villain had been a prisoner for quite some time, he'd be looking to stock up on new quirks, to continue his plans with the League.

In the span of just a few days, everything had changed, and he knew that it wouldn't be going back any time soon. 

Bakugou placed his head in his hand and tried to push away the feelings that were attempting to rise inside of him. The sadness, the anger, the crushing guilt.

Suddenly, the room door opened and he lifted his head, expecting to see another nurse. But instead, his gaze met with his mothers, and she looked pissed. 

"I get a call at eight in the morning saying that classes are canceled until further notice and that I need to come to pick my kid up from school, but when I get there, they tell me you aren't even there! That you're at the hospital of all places! I thought you might've been hurt because of the storm last night! I've been up for hours and haven't been able to eat or take a shower! Why the hell didn't you call me?!"

With everything that had occurred in the past forty-eight hours, this was the very last thing that he needed. "Why don't you shut up and take a look around the room before yelling at me, Old Hag!"

She inhaled sharply as if to scold him once more, but her eyes landed on the girl lying in the bed before him, and recognition settled over her features. "That's the one from that night, the girl you helped rescue from the villains. Is she the one you've told me about over the phone?"

He nodded, looking away from her and back to where you were lying.

His mom walked to the edge of the hospital bed. "Oh, honey what happened?"

"She was led into a trap, there was a fight, one that got Mr. Aizawa killed." His voice felt heavy and he swallowed back the unwanted lump that began to form in his throat. "A villain did something to her, but they don't know how to fix it. They have no idea when... or if she's gonna wake up."

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