13. Her own rules

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      "Right, so you are essentially telling me that they're just...Not participating?" Maira is sitting on the arm of the couch with her arms crossed and Madi is sprawled out over the couch. Adaline is sitting with her back against the coffee table.

      "Mhm. It's like they're boycotting us," Madi sighs.

Dante is now refusing to participate in their little halloween party this year because of the ongoing fight with Madi. Neither will apologize, of course two overly stubborn leos have to date each other. It's not like this hasn't happened before, one of them getting mad and straight out not talking to anyone else in the group. It's horrible and puts Maira and Adaline in a constant bad mood.

      "Tell them to suck it up," Adaline rolls her eyes. Madi laughs, Maira throws her phone at her.

       "They remind me of Ian when they get like this." Madi shakes her head and stands up, pacing around in front of the coffee table.

      "Oh god, don't ever remind me of him. Ever." Though the 'date' was a week ago, Adaline still hasn't told them what all really happened with him telling Clay about her record. Mostly out of fear of Madi or Dante beating the shit out of him. She would do it if it wouldn't land her in jail again. "Dante doesn't deserve to get compared to that little fuck."

       "You're right. I like Dante," Maira says. Always the bubbly one. "Even if they are a dick sometimes. I think you two should make up-"

      "I'm not apologizing." Madi interrupts.

Maira and Madi have a weird dynamic, Adaline has always noticed. Like good cop, bad cop. Maira is so happy and bubbly and kind while Madi is intimidating and rude like 80% of the time. Dante is Madi's calm and it shows in times like these when they aren't speaking. Adaline agrees with Maira, both of them need to get over it.

      "Hey, I was wondering if I could talk to you guys about something?" Adaline shifts the subject to something more bearable. "Halloween, can my friend come hang out?"

      "Yeah of course, we're not your parents." Madi answers as she walks into the kitchen and starts pouring a glass of water.

      "I didn't just want some guy to show up-" Adaline tries to explain but is swiftly stopped by Maira.

      "A boy?" She says, like an excited puppy who caught a whiff of a bone. "You're bringing a boy over on halloween? Addy why didn't you tell us! Oh my god you talk to boys!"

      "Hey! It's not like that. He's like, my closest friend aside from you guys. Same guy I went on the Ian date with. Same guy I was out with that one night. He wants to meet you guys." Adaline explains. Maira is more invested in her love life than she is. "Like I was saying, I didn't want some random guy you've never met before just showing up."

Maira looks like all that went in one ear and out the other because in just a second she's up with her arms around Adaline's neck. "I'm so proud of you!"

Adaline only awkwardly pats the girl on the back, looking over her shoulder to see Madi trying not to burst out laughing at the site. She glares at Madi and Madi only throws an empty cup at her back. It hit's Adaline square in the head, causing Maira to scream and go running back to her room. Madi high fives Adaline when the brunette girl makes her back to her room.

Will :)




Will :)

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