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"Kookunut✨ wants to start a video chat with you"

Y/n didn't know what to do. It was their first time video chatting. She wanted to know the truth but she couldn't decide if she should attend the call or reject it.

If she attends the call,she will get to know the truth.

Attend the call

Yes | No

This was the first time y/n saw him

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This was the first time y/n saw him. He is the boy she was talking for last few months. Whom she ranted her feelings. The guy who she strated getting feelings for.

Jungkook started at the screen with a frown. When he didn't see y/n but instead her bed.

Jungkook wore a black leather jacket. He had a brown fluffy hair. As what she saved in her phone. He looked like a coconut head. His pouty red lips looked kissable. His bambi which he blinked when he didn't see her. Y/n noticed everything (a/n: omg this is so cringy. I am bad at expressing things i am sorryyy)

Jungkook: where are you? Show your face. I want to see you.

His voice soothing voice called out to see her

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His voice soothing voice called out to see her. How she wished she could hear this voice everyday.

Y/n didn't spoke anything. She was out of words when she heard his voice

Jungkook: Y/n?

Her heartbeat incresed as she heard his.She slowly spoke almost whispering.

Y/n: Yes?

Jungkook heard a small cute yet gentle voice spoke from the other side.

Jungkook heard a small cute yet gentle voice spoke from the other side

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