Oh so lovely (bloody)

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🥀Blood, gore, dark, paranormal, story lore, actual info on books🥀

I graciously walk into the room full of books, humming a lullaby as the grandfather clock clicks every second, echoing throughout the dark and dusty room with the light peering out a window near the ceiling, just enough to dimly light the room.

It felt nice. My own footsteps click along with the grandfather clock in sync as I looked around inhaling the scent of old books.

Of course the emerald greens from the corner of my eye always attracts my gaze. They're stored in an iron bar cage with intricate detail. They were locked up for a reason.

The emerald green or copper acetoarsenite hue on the books in the pasts had caused mental damage to men who wore top hats and to women who held their emerald green books as it contained arsenic giving it the toxic glow of green.

These were the first ones that were published in the 18th centuries. These books were the culprits of many deaths by touch and inhalation of the fumes. the people that had touched and inhaled a generous amount of arsenic from these books had died from different types of cancer, the most common cancer being skin cancer due to direct touch and lung cancer from inhaling the arsenic.

There is a some sort of magical boundary secluding the books to that cage. People don't know if it's dark magic or just typical magic.

I started to feel the temperature drop rapidly

The floor started to shake and gurgle, warm and thick liquid bubbling from the cracks in the worn wood floor. The same liquid seeping from the stair cases that lead up to the half wrap around floor leafing to more bookshelves.

Then, they all start bleeding

They all start bleeding from their now crackling spines dirty-ing their already brown color, with the red slimy liquid.

What a bloody sight to see isn't it?. I hastily pointed my head to the stone statue as it started to rumble and crack. I rushed over too it holding it together as the blood seeped through the cracks.

A cold gush of air went past my ear 'let go~' the gush of air signaled, then brushing on the back of my neck.

All if a sudden I felt a cold force fold over my hands and they were forced away from the statue.

As soon as the event played out before my eyes, I was pinned to the library door, cold force circling my hands. I struggled in the hold as I saw the statue finally break and seeing organs spill from it. I froze in horror at the horrid sight.

I lean my head back to close my eyes to advert my mind to somewhere more relaxed, trying best to ignore the splurting sounds and the gooey sounds of blood everywhere.

I opened my eyes to see another horror that had unfolded on the chandelier.

Six bodies

Hanging on the chandelier.

A cold force circled my neck and I couldn't move my head anywhere and I had to stare at the dangling bodies slowly spinning as they were hanging lifeless on the hooks of the chandelier.

I took a closer look at their expressions, seeing that their mouths were hanging open and their eyes blown wide but they were empty and white with no sign of life behind them.

My eyes trailed down their necks and saw their chest and I almost passed out. Holes, right through their heart, How a vampire would be killed.

My breath hitches as I hear footsteps and I freeze seeing the person behind all of this. I was pleading not to be killed, but without any hesitation I was stabbed right through the heart.

I was the seventh...

(Under Re Editing) The Bloodlust LibraryWhere stories live. Discover now