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Tw: language, non consensual touching (NOT SEXUAL)

It was pretty uneventful for a while there. New Year's rolled by, I got incredibly drunk, Sam and Puffy got me home safely. I had a few other interactions with Dream, which were really pleasant conversations. He isn't all that bad, when you look past the brooding mass murderer side.

It's January 6th now, an early morning for me. I ran downstairs to do a quick workout, took a shower, then began to read. A knock echoed at the door.

"Heyyyyyy Blaze!" Ponk came in. I smirked. Puffy followed behind him. "Sledding today, Dream said you've never been."

"Which is crazy, just saying," Puffy piped in. I scoffed.

"Dress warm, we'll be out there for a while," Ponk said. Then he left, leaving Puffy and I alone. She stared at me, eyebrows raised.


"Well you've been spending an awful lot of time with a certain green fellow." I scowled at her. She laughed. "Kidding, kidding." I tried my best to hide the blush. Then I stood, beginning to comb through my curls.

"I mean, he's nice," I commented.

"Nice? That's all?" She asked expectantly. I glared.

"It's not like that."

"Ohhhh, yes it is. Maybe you can go to the ball together."

"The what?" I gave her a sideways glance

"The snow ball!" I stared in disbelief. "Oh, it's this big fancy ball we do every year on January 27th. Everyone dresses up in either white, green, blue, or red... those are the color codes, and you dance for hours on end with... whoever asks you, I guess."

"I don't dance." I scoffed. Tried to once with Wilbur, his feet are probably permanently scarred.

"Oh come onnnnn everyone goes! Literally everyone! All the maids get the day off, people ask to take one another..."

"Sounds boring." She frowned at my comment. "Sorry, I just don't usually dress up or anything."

"Whatever, because you're doing it this once." I laughed, putting a coat on.

"How about this. If someone asks me, I'll go. If they don't, I won't. Deal?" She smirked, sticking her hand out.

"Deal." We shook hands, and in that moment I had no idea what I'd gotten myself into.

I changed into some warmer clothes, following Puffy downstairs. People stood right near the entrance to the castle, all bundled up nicely. It looked like Sapnap, Ponk, Dream, Puffy and I were the only ones going. There were 4 sleds that sat against the wall, made of wood and metal. I ran my gloved fingers along them. I've never seen sleds before, pretty. Purpled arrived a few minutes late, rushing forward wearing his signature color, purple. We began to walk, crunching through the snow. I didn't know where we were going.

No matter how much they try to include me, I still feel... different.

And I'll always be different.

They joked for a while, I stayed totally silent. What do you even add to these types of conversations? I sure don't know. Puffy talked to me for a bit, which made me happy. We walked for a while, dragging sleds behind us. After about 20 minutes of walking, we began to climb uphill. Purpled slipped and almost went tumbling down, he instead ran into a tree. This made me chuckle, he flushed red in embarrassment. At the top of the hill, I looked around.

Not an overly pretty view, but one side was incredibly steep with a large incline that went on for as long as I could see. I stared in shock, looking at the vast landscape.

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