13: One's Will To Live

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Note: This chapter contains suicidal thoughts.

Reporter: Last night, pro heroes Edgeshot, Hawks, Gang Orca and Best Jeanist were found severely injured. The information on who attacked them is not disclosed by the Hero Public Service Commission. Rumor has it that they were initially going after the vigilante Shadow Reaper when this happened. The three heroes are said to be in grave condition, the doctors have said that it might take a miracle for them to recover and go back to being heroes.

Chaos spread through online forums and social media. Rumors started going around that the heroes had captured or even killed the vigilante. The people of japan weren't happy with the heroes now, even those who weren't on the side of the vigilante, were now angry at the government.



"We want answers"

They wanted answers and they'll get them, no matter what.


Aizawa sighed as he brought his hands to his temple, in an attempt to lower the headache that he was facing right now. Truthfully if All might hadn't jumped in and rescued the other heroes, they would have been turned into minced meat.

Right now he was on the site where the fight between the heroes and the vigilante took place. The alley walls were painted in blood, while many of hawks feathers lay on the ground also covered in blood. The most unnerving thing was, the remains of the left arm of Gang Orca and Best Jeanist's leg.

To put it lightly, it was very unsettling to him.

Regaining his composure, he focused on the task on hand, collecting samples of blood that was splayed everywhere. Nezu had asked him to do this, in hopes of finding the vigilante's true identity. Now since they weren't allowed to work on this case anymore, he had to do something tricky to get the blood samples.

With the help of tsukauchi, he was able to get past the officers and enter the "crime scene". Turns out, the Hero Commission was so stupid that they forgot to tell the officers to not let any hero enter the crime scene.

He crouched on the ground and started collecting the blood samples from the ground, with only one thought in his head.

Aizawa: I hope you're okay, Shadow Reaper.


The same feeling of pain.

The same pain that he felt before.

But this time,

It was even greater.

He opened his eyes only to find himself in a black void again. The void where he awakened his powers. He didn't fully remember what happened. The moment he hit the ground, he felt his consciousness fading but just at the last moment he remembered hearing his own laughter.

He was confused and had many questions. Did the heroes capture or kill him?

"Or did you kill them?"

Turning to the dark side he saw...... himself? The only difference between him and the boy was the kakuja.

"Who are you?" (y/n) asked the boy, and on cue the boy started laughing crazily.

"Don't you see? I am you." The boy said with an insane smile on his face. The part of kakuja on his face glowed red, as (y/n) took a step back in fear.

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