Chapter 56

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"This is stupid Vanessa." Sylvia narrowed her eyes.

"I must agree. You've chosen poor companions tonight." Isirona agreed.

"Oh, my god." The vampire groaned as she glanced over her shoulder at her friends. "I told you, I've got a plan!"

"Yes, so you've said. But Eva, Zali and Kai are not interested in this in the first place. I doubt they're actually here." Sylvia noted, crossing her arms over her chest as she and Isirona paused at the entrance to the gym. Sure enough even from there the loud music could be heard as well as people dancing and yelling over the sound.

"I told them I had a way for you both to enjoy this." Vanessa answered, digging through her pockets.

"You think several hundred, lust filled bodies grinding against each other will be enjoyable to two succubi?" Isirona raised an eyebrow.

"You guys are worse than Zali." Vanessa rolled her eyes and held out two small vials, barely bigger than the tip of her pinky. "Drink these."

"No." Sylvia and Isirona both said in unison.

Vanessa narrowed her eyes. "I'm not going to drug my sister-in-law and my best friend. Seriously, who the hell do you think I am."

"Vanessa." They both say again.

"Seriously. It's a potion specially made with succubi in mind. I'll send you both the recipe. It temporarily blocks you from being able to taste and sense emotions. You still absorb mana, but you don't get the same rush from doing so."

Isirona and Sylvia both cautiously took a vial before examining it. "And where exactly did you find the recipe for something like this?" Isirona asked.

"Nyx gave it to me cuz I asked." Vanessa answered with a smile. "You can thank her for it."

"Why did you want it so badly?"

"I want to be able to take my new family out to have a bit of fun. I don't think it's fair that you get to hear all about how awesome parties like this are without ever being able to experience them." Vanessa smiled.

Isirona and Sylvia exchanged glances, and Vanessa had to bite her tongue from commenting on the fact they seriously looked like sisters. Both had flaming red hair, were about the same height, same eye color and everything. Isirona was a few inches or so taller, and dressed more professionally while Sylvia dresses like a hipster. She even started wearing flannel along side Vanessa.

"Can you two speak in each other's minds too? That would be weird..." Vanessa narrowed her eyes at the two of them before they looked back at Vanessa then back at each other.

"You don't think she'd drug us would you?" Sylvia asked the other succubus.

"She's never given me a reason to doubt her before. She is known for genuinely caring about her friend's wellbeing however."

"So should we trust her?"

"Well, what's the worst that can happen?"

"It could be a potion to turn you into frogs." Vanessa suggested.

They looked between Vanessa and each other once more before popping the top off the vials and drinking the substance. They looked to each other, waiting for the other to have a horrible reaction before they blinked and turned towards Vanessa.

"Does that mean it worked?" Vanessa asked. "Can you still sense emotions?"

"No." Isirona noted. "It's... pleasantly muted." She moved her fingers over both her ears casting her spell to mute the music before glancing towards the gym doors.  "I don't think I've ever looked forward to going to a dance before."

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