Chapter 15

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A/N: AAH! I'm so, so, so sorry for not updating in like, what, two weeks? I don't know, but again, I apologize! It's been super stressful with state tests and the play coming together, and I still have about 2-3 weeks left of testing, so that's fun-! *stressed screech* Anyways, I'll try to update if I can! Today's song is Alone by Alan Walker! I think it depicts how alone Sophie is feeling right now, how much she misses Keefe, but shows how she has a lot of support all the same and how she and Keefe will always be connected. Enjoy!

Sophie pulled away from Edaline. "I'm fine," she said, not convincingly. Honestly, she didn't expect her to believe it. Sophie was still in tears, and there was visible sadness in her eyes. "Really. I'm... fine," she repeated, though there was a catch in her voice. Edaline's turquoise eyes were looking at her, shiny and sad. Sophie looked away. If she made eye contact with her, or with anyone, she would erupt into tears.

The funny thing about mothers, though, their maternal senses kick in and they seem to know exactly what you're thinking. And they didn't have to be telepaths to know you aren't okay.

"Alright, Sophie. Just... if you need anything at all, let me know. I'm here." There was such an intensity in her eyes, she felt a little assured that what she said was true. But she sighed, still feeling, well, everything.

Edaline walked away, but not before taking another look at Sophie, trying to communicate with her eyes that she would get through this. Sophie's eyes filled with fresh tears, but this time they were tears of warmth.

She was so lucky to have so many people in her life to support her and help her through her struggles. The Neverseen would be after her and her friends now, she knew it.

In a way, it was better that Keefe had left, for his safety. Maybe he was finally taking things smartly, even though Sophie really wished he never left.

At least there was that.


Sophie spent a few minutes drying her tears while idly looking out her gigantic windows, overlapping the green pastures and the cliffs with their bearing waves below.

Everything was messed up. She had never felt so lonely. 

Technically, she had only lost one person. But he'd meant so much more to her than anyone else. Especially now.

She sighed, and walked outside her bedroom. As she was shutting the door with a shaky hand, she heard the shuffling of feet. Sophie looked up, and saw a towering grey figure looming over her, but there was a new look in his eyes. Usually, Sandor's eyes were cautious and hard, looking everywhere for danger.

But today, there was so much more to unpack. His eyes were unreadable. There were hints of frustration, anger, concern, but most of all there was a soft, and somehow endearing look upon his visage.

Sophie managed a weak smile. "Guess you and Grady were right with the whole boy talk thing." She recalled the treacherous conversation she had had with her bodyguard and father back when Keefe was with the Neverseen. 

They'd pummeled her with questions about boys, asking whether she was interested in any yet and they'd oddly kept bringing Keefe back into the scenario. She'd figured it was mostly since they felt they couldn't trust him since he was pretty much working with Sophie's kidnappers, despite the numerous times Sophie had told them Keefe was only trying to play them.

Sandor let out a squeaky sigh, dragging Sophie back from to reality and laid an awkward hand on her shoulder, surprising Sophie.

"It will be okay, Miss Foster. This isn't forever," he said.

Sophie fixed her gaze on his loomy figure."I'm counting on it, Sandor. Because I really don't know what I'll do if it's not temporary." Her shoulders drooped, as she kicked the ground with the sole of her boot.

Sandor watched her intently. "Well... He'll come back."

"How do you know?" she asked.

"I just do. Trust me, Miss Foster. "

Sophie gave a reluctant nod, but she hardly believed him. Keefe's letter made it sound like it was for forever.

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