thirty three

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"i'm gay you fucking halfwit."


for two people who had broken up, they were spending a whole lot of time together and being ridiculously close. james couldn't believe how many times regulus has kept her close and went to get a drink for her, rather than she getting one for herself. james huffed to himself and downed his drink and then put the glass onto the table harshly.

"what's up with you, prongs?" asked peter who was sat next to james, looking at mary macdonald from afar.

"nothing," grumbled james, he went to get the bottle of firewhiskey and cursed when it was empty. without a word to his friends, he got up and went in search for another bottle.

"what's his problem?" asked sirius as he watched his best mate leave.

"dunno," replied remus, although he sort of had an idea.

"i think i know," said peter, he leaned closer to the couple, who leaned forward too, "he keeps on looking over at that summer hanlon girl, you don't think he likes her or something, do you?"

"he's looking at summer?" asked remus, he sat back and chuckled to himself, a sudden feeling of realisation hitting him. he was really having an epiphany while drunk at a party? it was summer james liked, not regulus. merlin, remus was starting to think that james' secret crush was regulus black of all people but his quietness and visible awkwardness when she was around told remus everything. of course it wasn't regulus he liked, it was him he was jealous of.

"what?" asked sirius with a grin, wanting in on what his boyfriend was laughing at.

"oh, nothing," said remus with a wave of his hand, "you look amazing by the way."

sirius had kissed remus by the time he'd finished the last letter of the word. peter sat opposite them and rolled his eyes.

"get a room," said peter, although if mary was here, he'd want to kiss her too, "can you believe prongs fancies summer?"

"what's so unbelievable about that?" asked sirius as he poured himself a drink, getting most of the contents onto the table, "wait, that's my brother's girlfriend."

"they broke up," interjected remus, sirius gave him a surprised look and remus only nodded in response, "i told you this two days ago, love."

"it is random," said sirius, in relation to james' sudden crush on summer, well, as far as they were aware, it was summer, " but who are we to judge? you like mary macdonald and none of us say anything about that."

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