Chapter Three

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"I'm so sorry," I told Bennett, holding onto the door handle tightly. "Lee and Brandon convinced me to drink and I totally passed out after."

"You spent the night drinking?" Bennett asked, frowning.

"Where is Lee?" Henry cut in.

I gestured back inside the house. "He's inside still asleep."

Henry brushed past me and into the living room. I remembered last second that Lee and Brandon were sharing the couch and gasped, quickly hurrying after him, leaving Bennett on the doorstep. "Oh. Henry, wait—"

Henry was already by the couch, towering over the sleeping men. "Wake up," he demanded loudly.

Brandon stirred, waving Henry off. "Not yet."

A muscle jumped in Henry's jaw as Brandon dropped his hand back down, over Lee's waist, snuggling into him.

I grimaced, putting a hand to my face. Not the best position to be caught in. I moved over to the couch to subtly shake Lee's foot that dangled off the edge of the armrest in an attempt to wake him up, but all he did was kick my hand away.

"Lee Theodore Calloway," Henry said tersely. "Get up."

My head throbbed from the loudness of Henry's tone. How much had I drunk the night before? Why had I let myself drink so much? My mouth felt dry, like sandpaper.

Brandon cracked one eye open and open seeing Henry glaring at him, shot up into a sitting position, using Lee's ribs as leverage. Lee groaned, trying to roll away from Brandon, only to fall onto the floor. He remained there for a moment before pushing himself up, hair all a mess in his face, eyes squinting, and an expression of straight-up confusion on his face. He noticed Henry after a moment and smiled softly. "Good morning, Henry."

Henry let out a long breath. "It's almost nine."

Lee brushed the hair out of his face, face crumpling in discomfort, and I figured he had to feel even more hungover than I did. He then took in his surroundings again, color draining from his face as he took in Bennett and Henry's annoyed stances. "Where..."

"That's what I was asking myself when Mr. Callo— when Bennett texted me," Henry said. "He said you didn't turn up for work and you haven't contacted me since yesterday."

Lee glanced at Bennett before checking the watch on his wrist. He gasped and struggled to climb to his feet. "Oh, no, I had a meeting—"

"I already rescheduled everything," Bennett interjected, appearing at my side again, arms folded across his chest. "I told everyone you took a personal day."

"I've never been late before," Lee said, stunned.

Henry stared at him. "Is that what's important to you right now? Really?"

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