3. Marriage

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Aaradhana Pov

I'm actually taking time to decide whether to get marry or not. I feel like I'm not ready yet and I need more time to mentally prepared. This is so sudden. I even never imagine me to get marry or be in relationship.

I never had a good friend before and no one of opposite gender ever show interest on me. I really conscious about me and know my place.

Im just plain girl and have very common face. I have inverted triangle body shape where my shoulder and bust area are bigger.

My face is round and chubby though my body are not very plump. This actually make me look younger than my actual age. My eyes not very big just normal almond shape with dark brown lens, small nose and pink full lower lips. I love my lips. I feel like it is the only thing on my face look attractive.

I'm actually have medium Indian fair tone. Well, you can say, my skin colour similar to Deepika Padukone.

Overall, I'm just an average plain looking Indian girl who has zero knowledge on fashion or make up.

Probably because of that no body cares about me. I'm just invisible to everybody and to be honest I'm used to be like that. I really have low self esteem and I really scared to talk to people since I was young. Only my family talk and concern about me.

I never have any trauma or being bullied. It's just people never concern about me and always avoiding me like I have some contagious disease.

Therefore, a big and powerful person like Mr Sharma wanted me as his daughter in law is just unbelievable and I don't think his son will happy with his choice.

Despite everything, I take risk by agreeing to this marriage. It's not only because my parents but also because of Mr Sharma. He is the only person who have helped us since we settled at London. He done a lots of help without expecting anything and now a person like him asking my dad's favour. I just couldn't ignore it.

After I told my decision, my parents and Mr Sharma look very happy. It's enough for me.

The date of engagement and wedding were fixed in this one month. I have no idea why Mr Sharma rushing everything but I just don't care. If it's finish early then it's good.

On our engagement, I thought can talk to Harris about his decision on this marriage or about his relationship. I don't want he were forced into this.

However, I only saw Harrish when we exchange our rings. He look marvellous with his red jippa.

After that, I couldn't saw him. Even during at the ring exchanging, I couldn't look at him properly as he was being trapped with my dad and his dad.

Days passed together so many events. I'm so tired faking smile and greeting peoples. I can heard my relative gossiping about me. They no need to highlight about. I too know about myself that I'm far away suitable to Harris. I'm not beautiful either rich or smart. I'm lacking in all area but doesn't mean they can judge me like that.

I just want everything to fade away. I don't want to listen with all the negative remarks but truth. It's just make my self confidence drop to negative and cause my heart pain.

I become nervous and my heart accelerate in maximum speed when I think about Harrish's opinion about me. I'm not sure if he can accept me as his wife.

Like that, the D day come and I still not ready or have see or talk to Harrish. My parents totally prohibited me to contact Harish and I don't know the reason.

The marriage will be held at Sharma's residence. I only remember the big mansion that I have visited when I was three to four years old but don't know how it's look now.

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