4. Hiding from you

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Everybody finished up and it was time for debate

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Everybody finished up and it was time for debate. Ah how much I loved debates. I always had a thing for fights or should I say conversation. I love putting my point forward and I absolutely love it when the other person challenges my opinion. Coz inturn I get to prove my point!

And the satisfaction after proving my point is something I can't express in words. I wonder why the school didn't chose me for debate. I mentally scold myself for being too greedy. That's when it strikes my mind..even my seniors didn't get time to prepare. What are they going to do about the debate now? Are they ready with the required points?

I wish them luck when they go ahead. They seemed to do okay. Not great but okay. What more can we expect..it's not a bloody song that you will go blabber and come back. They hardly had 1 hour to prepare while the folk song competition was going on. After competition we finish lunch and are waiting for them to announce results.
But as usual judges were late and everybody started walking around in the building's corridor. And my pretty seniors left me alone to go do their 'Boy business'.

I think about taking a walk in the first floor corridor which was empty. I started noticing the classrooms which are quite spacious compared to my school and the benches look newly built. As I walk to the large window in the classroom I hear some noises from the corridor. I ignore them for a while but then walk out to check who's laughing like a maniac. I come out and walk to the end of the corridor and see that 3 boys are standing and chatting about something. I can see only their backs and they seem to be immersed in their discussion.

I thought it's time to walk away and was about to turn when one of them said something and other hit him on his head. The duo starts laughing again and I see the third boy slightly turn to his right so that he's kind of half facing them and me at the same time. I'm relieved that the side I'm standing is devoid of sunlight and dark so hopefully they won't see me. Even if they do they'll just know some girl is standing but not who.

The third boy is serious, he's not even smiling while the other two are almost on the floor laughing. The sunlight is exactly falling on his hair and face from the window opposite to him. He's looking furiously at his mates. He's wearing the same kind of uniform as that girl with skirt was wearing. His hair is neatly combed and silky. He's not that tall. Maybe 2-3 inches taller than me. I can't quite see his eyes due to the distance.

He's glaring at his friends. God knows why! He's wearing some leather watch which I think must be very expensive. His shoes are pitch black neatly polished. He's not bulky, lean framed yet perfect shoulders. I don't think he's here for any competition coz I didn't see him participating in any category. I wonder what they're doing here. As I'm watching I noticed that the duo has stopped laughing and now turned to the third guy. They all begin talking. I suddenly feel the urge to go ahead and talk to the group. I want to go there introduce myself and ask them what they were doing here.

What the hell!? I don't even know them. Why am I having this absurd drive to go talk to them? Maybe it's because of the zero percent human interaction I had today(thanks to my pretty seniors🙄) or because I'm just bored roaming the corridors with absolutely nothing to do. Or maybe my brain is clouded with the thoughts of results. Or maybe..just maybe I want to see what that third guy's eyes look like!

Woah! Sakshi relax babe. You should just let them be and not make fun of urself. You don't even know which school they belong to. Just walk away. After 3 long minutes of convincing my heart to not do anything stupid I turn and go back to the auditorium. Thankfully my seniors are back and we all get seated waiting for results.

Exciting part coming up😸

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