Ha ha- Mother Time

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I have been gone, for a year. I've been reading stories, yes, but.. I have been radio silent from the writing game for awhile. I read your comments and I love them, I really do. Someone said, "Bless this writing!!!" and, I smiled while crying. Thank you for liking my work even though I'm an idiot with no brain. My most favorite comments are actually in the first official page of this one shot fiction which is The Tease War, with the cookies. However, there was a comment(I forget which page it was) where someone DID get upset with people saying their combined houses, for example, I'm a Ravenpuff/Huffleclaw, Hufflepuff being my first house, Ravenclaw my second.

I'm going to say it, never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever get upset at people who love their first two Hogwarts houses, or their first two Ilvermorny houses, or any two houses for that matter. Besides that! Thank you for liking this, it means a lot. NOW ON WITH THE SHOW!


It was cool anthem's day, school had started a few days ago, and missing her husband, (F/n) was a mess. Her children, bless their souls, but she already had enough of them. There are many things she wants to do, but she can't do it due to the children she has with her now. Eden wasn't the easier child, he liked to get into the trash and throw blocks around, Beatrice had already stepped into a bit of magic without a second glance. Just the other day she blew up (F/n)'s hair, burning it and causing it to go short. Thankfully, she was planning to cut it, only Beatrice beat her too it. Madison was easy with his behavior, the only problem, he listened to Severus more than he did his own mother. The first night it was only Eden and Beatrice who were upset, but given the few days,

they were the ones who were fine and acting like their normal selves while Madison was having trouble with accepting the fact that his father wasn't here. Her sister visited at time to help, but even she had work with the Ministry. (F/n) missed the good old days when she was about to teach students, the first years were always fun, so edger to learn what there is to to learn when they first start their first year at Hogwarts. Don't even think about trying to teach the triplets, they're not old enough yet. Madison might be able to say 'no' somehow even though he's only a couple of months old, it doesn't mean that he's able to learn about magic yet... or any schooling, really.

From five in the morning to eleven, (F/n) is up and taking care of all three, Madison is always the first one to wake up, it starts with a diaper change, fresh clothes and waiting for the other two, the next one is always Eden, he is the most rowdy of the three in the morning while Maddy is the calm one. He's the first one to get his food first since he steals from his siblings for a fun fact. Beatrice is the most stubborn one to get up, and makes a mess. After they're awake, they get fed their breakfast, then it's mostly playtime. Once eleven hits, that's a nap time for them, when they wake up at twelve or two, it's another diaper change, and yes, there is a lot of these changes and it's tiring. There is never a minute of rest with these children, but (F/n) (M/n) (L/n) Snape loves her children.

Nothing much happens with her day with the children, but hopefully more things happen when it's her husband who gets stuck with them when they're older.


I apologize for this being short, but I need to get back into the swing of things.. while mentally preparing myself for my master plan of this madness. I don't have the notes at hand, but I remember what I have in mind. I refuse to say. Who knows when I'll update the next part, just know that I'm sorry for being gone! AAAAAA-

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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