Chapter 3

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~2 days later~

I walked down the hallway, clutching my bag. I carefully made my way put to the courtyard. I made sure that no one knew I had left the castle because I know that wouldn't end well.

I pulled the drumstick out of my bag and pulled the napkin off of it.

I clicked my tongue, waking the meat around. "Orion, come here."

Slowly, I saw the dog come out from his hiding spot and sit in front of me. I handed him the meat and he softly took it from me and started chewing.

I sat down next to him and sighed, wrapping my robes around myself.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to visit you." I rubbed his back. "It's been a long couple of days."

He looked over at me before going back to his drumstick.

"I had a Quidditch game two days ago and the dementors came onto the field. Potter passed out because of it and he landed on me."

Orion froze and looked over at me as if he was worried.

"And it completely smashed my broom." I wiped my eyes, "And of course, I had the smart idea to use the broom my mom gave me."

I pulled my legs up to my chest, "I tried to owl my dad to see if he could get me a new one but he hasn't answered."

I flopped onto my back, "And those stupid Gryffindors trampled my broom to twigs so now I can't even do a spell to fix it."

I plucked pieces of dead grass and threw them up in the air. "At least I'll be able to go home for a while."

"But 'Mr. Fawley' is probably going to have some stupid meeting on Christmas or something." I mocked in a deep voice.

I scoffed and rolled over on my stomach, laying my head in my arms.

I played with his fur as he chewed on the bone, admiring his deep black coat.


Hera and I loudly sang carols as we walked down the winding path to Hogsmeade. Elijah ranted about all the stores we needed to go to.

"I want to go to Honeydukes, and Zonko's, and Ollivander's, and the quill shop, and The Three Broomsticks."

"And Honeydukes," I added.

"I said that." He sighed.

"Oh, pardon." I mocked.

"Zonko's first." Hera laughed.

"You guys go ahead, I'll be at Honeydukes." I parted ways with them and went into the crowded candy shop. There were rows of candy, more than I had ever seen. I took a little picnic basket a started filling it to the top.

I grabbed Chocoballs, Acid pops, Jelly slugs, Bertie Botts, Pumpkin Pasties, Taffy, Drooble's, Pepper Imps, Bon Bons, and, of course, huge blood flavored lollipop.

I made my way to the front of the shop and sat everything on the counter.

"3 galleons, please."

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