3 6 Ajax's Birth

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It was raining hard and a baby was crying under Aphrodite's white tunic. Her golden locks covered the baby's blue eyes. She hugged him closer to her chest, "Are you hungry?"
He pulled her tunic down and breastfed the baby.

"Aphrodite, they are coming!" Goddess Amphitrite walked into the dim lit cave, shining golden because of the baby, "Why haven't you drowned him yet?!" Amphitrite looked at the golden baby in Aphrodite's white arms, "We came all the way to the human world to get one job done! If Zeus knows of this, he will be very mad,"
Aphrodite looked at the baby, "I can't let him go,"

"You know what Apollo said," Amphitrite moved closer to her, "You have to let him go, Aphrodite. It is for your own good,"
"But he's my baby. I love him,"
"Aphrodite, loving too much will always kill you," 

Aphrodite looked down at him. The baby looked at her and smiled. She smiled back and pressed his foot on her forehead, "Ajax, before you go, promise me one thing, you'll be brave even when you're afraid,"
Ajax's golden skin shone in the dark and he smiled, reaching for his mother's golden locks.

Aphrodite grabbed his feet and bent them backwards, breaking the bones of his legs at his ankles and softly, lay him down into the strong flowing river, gushing beside the cave. Ajax went down into the water, crying his eyes out in the pain.
"Take good care of him, Amphitrite,"
"I will," 

Amphitrite sank into the sea and grabbed the little baby between her arms as she turned to water herself. She carried him all the way to the Baltic sea where finally Poseidon stopped her and asked her to abandon the baby or fight him. She ran away from him and met an old Swedish fisherman, "Mortal!" She rose from the water.

He was stunned at the goddess's sudden appearance. He joined his hands, "Who might you be, lady?"
"I am Amphitrite, goddess-queen of the sea, wife of Poseidon, and eldest of the fifty Nereides. And this is Ajax, my friend Aphrodite's son, the goddess of love, beauty and sex. Please take care of him till I return,"

She handed Ajax to the fisherman and he got on his knees, "It is an honour to serve the son of a goddess," He took Ajax home with a huge smile across his face and explained his wife what had happened.
"But his legs seem to be deformed," His wife said.
"Doesn't matter. He is a demigod, Helda,"
"He surely is as pretty as a Greek God," She looked at Ajax's blue eyes and golden skin.

Amphitrite never returned for him. 

They were poor fishermen but they did everything to raise Ajax properly. They even took him to a doctor, "It seems like his legs have forcefully been broken by someone. I don't think he'll ever be able to walk,"

But he did. Though, he had an awkward walk and all other children of the village made fun of him when he walked. He used a stick to walk around. One day, he saw all the children gathered around a woman who was reciting tales of some star. He walked closer to her, "And that was how Music was born, becoming the seventh star of all the twelve heavenly stars,"

"Music is a star?" One of the children asked.
"Yes, he formed a contract with a demigod and being the strongest star, he carried him to the throne of the gatekeeper, but later killed his own demigod,"
Everyone gasped.
"Can we see music in the sky?"
"Not from our galaxy, because he is far away. But, if you make a wish, he will listen to you," 

Ajax looked at her, "Oh look, crippling Ajax is here!" They laughed.
"Can't walk without a stick,"
"Old man," They mocked him.

Ajax looked at her, "If I pray to Music," Ajax asked, "Will he fix my legs?"
She smiled, "He will,"
"How do I pray to him? Some prayer?"
"Just sing whatever makes you happy," She smiled.
"That is it?"
"Yes, if you sing with love in your heart, your prayers will reach him,"

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