I Know

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AN: I wrote this story from a sticky note I found. It was on my desk and all it said was 'He woke up at 3 in the afternoon feeling groggy, and smelling of some strange mix of Chinese food and women's perfume.' So I picked it up and wrote this short story from it. 

He woke up at 3 in the afternoon feeling groggy, and smelling of some strange mix of Chinese food and women's perfume. He sat up and looked around the room. There were empty beer bottles and Chinese containers scatter around the room. There were clothes everywhere, some his, some not. He got up and realized he was only in underwear. He headed towards the kitchen. On his way he passed a mirror and saw his neck was cover in lipstick marks and there was a hickey under his ear. His thick, brown hair was sticking up everywhere and there was lipstick smeared all around his lips. Suddenly, he heard singing from kitchen and quickly walked in.

Standing there in front of the stove, wearing nothing but underwear and his favorite t-shirt, was his ex girlfriend.

"Hey babe," she said and kissed his cheek. "I know it’s a little late but I'm making bacon." She walked back towards the stove and continued cooking and singing.

He stood there shell-shocked. They hadn't really talked or hung out alone since they broke up. They were always with mutual friends. What the hell happened last night?! He cleared his throat to ask but she interrupted.

"I'm sure you're wondering what happened last night." She sighed. "You’re probably going to be upset but I'll explain." She put the plate of bacon on the table and turned to face him.

"So we were at a bar with some friends and we were both kinda buzzed. We wanted to watch Lord of the Rings but no one else wanted to. So we ordered some Chinese and got some beers. By the end of the first movie, we were both pretty drunk and I kissed you and things escalated from there. I'm sorry." She sat down and put her head on the table. "I shouldn’t have done it."

He walked towards her and started rubbing her shoulders. He kissed the back of her neck softly. "It’s alright. I don’t remember all of what happened last night but I remember enough to know I wanted it just as much. I don’t blame you."  He pulled her up and pulled her to his chest. She nuzzled into his neck. 

"So what does this mean?" She said quietly. 

He sighed and looked at her. "I don’t know. Let’s eat first and figure it out later." He kissed her nose and went to sit down. She filled his plate with eggs and bacon and handed him a glass of orange juice and two Advil’s.

"Perfect hangover cure breakfast. I would’ve given you something stronger than Advil but I couldn’t find anything." She started eating and tried not to make eye contact with him. 

He reached over and grabbed her hand and started softly rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. 

"I've missed you," he said softly. He brought her to his lips and softly kissed the back of her hand.

"Please. Please don’t do this and then later tell me that we have to go our separate ways." She pulled her hand away and focused on her plate. 

He got up and walked to her side of the table. Quickly, he scooped her up bridal style and carried her to his room. He laid her on the bed and went to the bookshelf and grabbed a picture. 

"I’ve had this picture since high school. I kept it and framed it and I look at it all the time." He glanced at her. “I’ve missed you. I just couldn’t admit to myself how much I miss you." He took her hands and pulled her to him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her softly. She pulled away and just rested her head on his shoulder. 

"Can we finish watching Lord of the Rings now? We only got through The Fellowship last night." He laughed and went to put the DVD in. Then they got in bed and cuddle up together. 

About halfway through the movie they both started to doze off. She snuggled closer to him. 

"I love you," she mumbled before falling asleep.

"I know." 

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