55 - void again

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Two Months Later - September


I have no idea if this letter will ever find you as I obviously have no knowledge of your whereabouts, but if you are reading this, know that I miss you more than I can put into words—you, Harry and Ron. I only pray that you are all alright and in safe health, wherever you may be in the world.

If I am going to be completely honest, I had spent weeks resenting you all. I couldn't understand why you would leave me behind without even telling me what it was you were up to. However, those ill feelings sooner faded and I only miss you so terribly now and feel panicked with worry for all of you.

Things have been so lonely as of recently. It seems I cannot escape my solitude no matter how hard I try. As you know, when we last spoke at Bill and Fleur's wedding, my mum and David fled immediately after what happened. I cannot speak of their location, but my mother writes to me anonymously every few weeks, so I know she is safe.

For the rest of the summer, I spent it alone, imprisoned within the walls of my mother's home, one which never actually felt like home to me, as you would know. I was so desperate to get back to Hogwarts, despite all of the harrowing memories that lie here. But it's still my home.

But everything is so different here now. As you may know, Snape has been made Headmaster which is just the worst possible thing imaginable. It seems that the high spirits and joy which once settled over Hogwarts is gone. And I fear that nothing will ever be as it once was. But I guess that is a given.

Many say that you fled and abandoned everyone to complete doom. But I don't believe them for a second. I know my friends and if you were to leave so suddenly I am certain it was within good reason.

So whether or not this letter finds you, I hope it can be a comfort that you are never forgotten and know that I love you all very much and I miss you. So whatever it is you are having to do, I hope you are successful.

Sending all of my love and hope because that's all anyone really needs,

Your dearest friend,


Funny thing, time. The way it passes inevitably, even when it seems that the entire world has stopped, has ended. Passes, it does.

And sometimes without one having the slightest knowledge of its passing. How each pounding tick of the clock moves along torturously, acting as a reminder of how all that resided in the past, is lost. Unchangeable. But so impactful.

The hours spent idle, eyes glazed upon the ceiling, staring at every insecurity lingering within the off-white surface above. Staring as if lifeless. Dead.

And even lying is prevailed by exhaustion once the conscience awakens and the realisation of how many hours have passed comes to mind. The importance of time once again resurrects, knocks a surge of life into the soul, despite most of it having been perished months ago. Simply clinging onto viability through the random bursts of animation that come and go.

Athena couldn't seem to escape the feeling—whether she was feeling anything at all, that is.

Floated around like some half alive, half inhumane species. Constantly wondered where her soul had escaped to, knowing all too well that it went with him the moment he'd walked away.

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