The New Cadet of survey corpse

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Reader: shy,smart,funny,good freind,nice to be around

Readers Features: Cute, 5.2 feet,strong like seriously, (h/c) hair, (e/c) eye, Human,innocent,good fighter,fast,clean.

Readers Personality: adventurous,likes sweets and fruit,healthy,always honest, cares about others she loves, CAT LOVER.

Readers Quote: "You are Stronger than you seem, Braver than you believe, and Smarter than YOU think YOU are.

You and your freinds arive at H.Q. for the first time and you are nervous REALLY FUCKING NERVOUS. as your put into a spot alined with people you see a grown man yelling at other scouts

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU" "i am blah blah blah etc"

then the Cheif instructor came to you" "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU" "w-who am I?" "ILL ASK ONE MORE TIME WHO THE HELL ARE YOU" "I am (f/n) Upper class of the inner wall,i came here to prove im strong and trample on anything thats in my path I am here to serve and join the scouting leigon sir!" you kept a strait face showing no emotion at all. the cheif instructor nodded with approval and twisted your body around to face the other way he moved on "hey (f/n) your from the inner wall? a guy said "why did you join the scouting legion instead of being safe within the inner wall?" "because it was my dreams to venture out of these walls i want to see the real world" you said with a smirk "wow thats amazing and by the way my name is Marshal (f/n) he smiled. "nice to meet you Marshal" you smiled back (you were 17 at this time sry I forgot to put at the top) after all that you and your freind even Marshal are with eachother laughing talking messing around and all that stuff tommarow you had to practice wearing 3DMG but they hoiest you up on wires you weren't nervous at all (the next day) "ALRIGHT HOIST THEM UP" you were lifted from the ground and you were amazing you were relaxed and open minded you leaned your body backwards and you didnt struggle at all but you saw only one boy with his body crashing to the ground,you glanced at the other people giggling at his defeat."I CAN DO THIS GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE!" the boy yelled."the belt strap is broken" you said to the instructor. "give this idiot one more chance than we will see the next person who makes a smart remark broken" he said with a firm made a small smirk while looking forward."hoist this idiot down" the instructor said. a few minutes later you all went to the mess hall. someone put there hand on your shoulder,it was a blackhaired girl with a red scarf she stared blankly into your eyes."hey... thankyou for trying to help my brother" she sayed calmy."yea no problem" "whats your name?" she questioned. "(f/n) and yours?" "mikasa..." "well... it nice to meet you Mikasa" you sayed walking off to the mess hall. Mikasa walked with you as the two boys she knew followed behind. (a few minutes later) you and the three people sat down with you. "arent you a little small to join the scouting legion?" Armin sayed in a teasing tone." im only 5'3 whats the difference I didnt leave my home from the inner wall just to be called shorty you know" you sayed looking at him eating your bread."hey (f/n) you heard a familier voice. "oh marshal how you doing?" "nothing much just eaten stuff" he sayed looking over to you at another table. "pfft amazing" you said taking another bite. "ALRIGHT GET YOUR BUTTS TO BED" the instructor sayed opening the door peaking his head in. everyone got up to leave. (school omg why you do this gtg for a few hours so yeaaa)

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