Chapter 60

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Rus's P.O.V

"C'mon,'s been two weeks. We at least deserve to know his name."

"California, I've told you once, and I'll tell you again, the person I'm staying with is only a friend and they would like to keep their name private."

America's reply was a complete and utter lie.

As he was speaking, he was laying in between my legs, as my arms circled together, just under his shoulders. My head rested on the pillow under it, while he pulled up a blanket and covered both of our torsos.

I also didn't ask for my name to be kept a secret, but I silently thanked the American for respecting my boundaries.

"Yeah, yeah. Keep lying to yourself." The boy on the other side of the line muttered in a hysterical tone.

"I am not lying to myself-"

I had tuned out by this point.

Those were his states, and I had nothing to do with them. Heck, I hadn't even met the bunch of supposed rascals.

America hacked a smidge, and I felt my arms tighten around him. This disease has lasted for the past three weeks, and I was getting really suspicious of it now.

Diseases didn't develop very easily in our systems, nor did they stick around for very long, unless something was affecting the actual homeland. Of course, something, or someone, was affecting the United states, and that was resonating in this sickness.

That someone was undoubtedly Cabi and her nefarious underlings. What they were doing wasn't spreading sickness, it was more like they were starting a wildfire of revolutions.


I quickly glanced at America's neck, there was no sign of a case of Revolts. No deep, cavernous holes rand deep through his skin, like they had with Mexico months earlier.

No, instead, it was smooth with no etchings to be found.

So, what exactly was Cabi doing that was affecting America this way? If it wasn't an actual disease, or a brewing revolution, then what was going on?

A chilling feeling raced through my spine and froze on my back.

No, it couldn't be that, could it?

No no, I refused to believe it. America couldn't go down just like he did, his citizens are so patriotic, and they absolutely adore their democracy.

It just couldn't be that his own people were losing faith in him, or their government. Though, that was exactly what happened to Soviet, and look where he is now.

"Sorry, California." America wheezed out. "I've got to go to bed, bye."

"Awe, c'mon dad-"

America hung up the phone, "Too tight, Russia."

My eyes widened, as my arms lost their strength. I hadn't even realised how tightly I had been holding on.

The stripped country sighed with relief. He turned over on his stomach and closed his eyes, "Ah, thanks. I can breathe now."

I smiled, but my face fell slowly into sorrow. I could tell that my eyes were dull, my eyebrows hunched, and my chest weighted with more than just the man who laid on me.

The space we made together was calm and collected, but I didn't feel that way, and I could tell that he didn't either. His hands kept spasming tightly, as his teeth chattered. It was as if we were in the coldest place on all of the planet, yet we were in the midst of summer.

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