Chapter Five.

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It's been three weeks since I started my first day here at High School.

Niall is my only friend here, well if you don't count Roger who hasn't stopped bugging me, but it's getting easier to ignore him. I wonder how things will turn out later if he leaves me alone once and for all.

Will I be able to ride the bus without having to worry about him being annoying and persistent?

I head to my last class of the day and slump into my seat, gosh today is not my day, I'm super tired and I just want to sleep. I haven't ate anything since yesterday morning and I don't want to eat. Everything smells bad and looks even worse.

What's wrong with me?

"Whoa, look who it is, it's Oli- oh my god, are you okay?" I turn to the familiar voice and see Roger, or rather three Rogers standing before me, "Uh, I think so." I say and close my eyes, after that everything went black.

I felt arms around me, air rushing past me, voices- loud voices everywhere- my arms and legs hanging down, my head cradled and warm breath hitting my face.

"Call an ambulance she fainted and I can barely feel her heart beat!"  I heard a male voice demand from far away. I couldn't open my eyes or do anything. Everything was blank and silent, which scared me the most.

I heard voices every now and then but nothing more than jumbled up words that I couldn't make out. I felt pain in my body, my stomach was churning with nausea, I felt dizzy and my eyes were spiraling out of my control as well as my head.

I felt like a bobble head just then, how my eyes were going crazy spinning around and my head bobbing and swaying. I felt sick to my stomach and I couldn't do a thing about it. I wanted nothing more than to breathe, but I couldn't.

It was as if I had something pushing on my chest to make me stop breathing, I still saw darkness around me and I was worried what was going to happen.

I took my shaky hands and bent down, bent my wobbly knees and sat there, trying to control my body from going crazy. I laid back and looked up the the blank sky above.

I don't know what scared me the most, the fact that I'm alone and in the dark, or that I could very well possibly be dead.

Either way, I'm just going to close my eyes and try to relax, maybe catch up on some sleep.


Time came and went, my body was slowly going back to normal, and light started to surround me, "Ah, so this is what death is like." I say to myself standing up and looking around, but when I blink and open my eyes again everything is blurry and I'm in a different room.

"What is- where am I? What's going on?" my voice gravelly, my throat dry and my body numb all over. "Baby, oh my sweet baby, you're okay." I saw my dads blurry face in front of me, his hands holding my face.

"Dad stop, you're gonna make me vomit," I say and close my eyes trying to steady my dizziness. I close my eyes and open them repeatedly until everything was crystal clear to see.

"What happened?" I ask again, coughing because of the dryness of my throat, "You passed out during school honey, and you were barely breathing, your heart was failing, they had to put you in a ventilator to help you breathe, but you're anemic, and they had to do a blood transplant on you. " my dad explains.

I heard movement in the room and I searched for it, I couldn't find anything, "Is she awake?" I heard a voice and then I saw him, "Roger?" I ask, I try and sit up but fail, "Don't try to still up baby," my dad tells me.

"Well I don't want to lay down anymore." I groan, "Help me sit up," I demand, "Here" dad says and pushes a button, I slowly sat up, "Oh that's cool." I whisper as the bed moved up, "I'm cold," I whine.

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