Jotaro vs. Dio

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Blade: ok so in this one it's kind of confu- oh forget it

I shoot a bolt of lightning at everyone but it does nothing until they get a shit load of information put into their heads

Mt Lady: W-What was that?

Blade: I didn't feel like explaining the entire story line of this, so I gave you the information you needed, so let's begin

The Screen turns on to show a old looking All Might shooting out purple vines which are covered in electricity. " PURPLE HERMIT AND HAMON!!" All Might screams in anger.

Kirishima: Woah look at All Might!

Sero: He looks old

Kaminari: Don't you mean.... Old Might?

Jiro slaps Kaminari in the back of the head

Jiro: That was the worst joke I've ever heard

" ENOUGH! I don't need to touch the Hamon to attack you!" A mysterious but familiar voice screams. The screen the shows a hulking figure with a yellow headpiece covering its face to the end of its nose, It wears small, twin diving cylinders on its back, connecting to its mask; The back of both its hands bears the shape of a simple clock face. Its chin, crotch, and its knees are topped by heart shapes. Plates on its shins, its footwear bears curved, sharply-pointed toes. It's has grey skin, and has green heart motifs with golden clothes.

Setsuna: What is that?!

Blade: 'That' is a stand. A an entity psychically generated by its owner life energy. So pretty much everyone can have one, well in their universe.

Tetsutetsu/Kirishima: So Manly!!

The Stand punches a chimney, which breaks it, sending chunks of brick at All Might, which throws him off the room, but catches himself with Purple Hermit but still hits the ground.

As All Might hits the ground a group of men, eating and drinking outside the restaurant, look at All Might laughing.

"Hey, look. That old guy fell outta the sky!" One of the men say while laughing. " Santa! I bet he's Santa!" A woman says pointing at All Might. " What were you doing on the roof? Checking out some hot chicks?" Another man says while everyone starts laughing.

Eri: Hey, that's mean!

Kota: Yeah!

Iida: That is very rude to consider that All Mightt would be looking at woman on a roof! You should be concerned with his well being from falling!

All Might, with blood on his lip, ignores the people laughing and looks up at the roof of the building, to see a figure on top.
The screen zooms in showing a buffed up, usual smug, Monoma.

Everyone minus the Villians( cuz they don't even know who he is): Monoma/ That extra!

Katsumi:Why in the hell would Monoma try to fight All Might!?

Monoma: Because it's me Class 1-A scum, I am the only person who could actually beat All Mi- K.O.ed by Kendo

Monoma then jumps down from the roof as All Might 'tsked' and starts to run away but stops with a confused look.

The camera the pans to a little older, and more buffed Izuku Kujo.

Eri: It's papa!

Midnight: and he looks more....

Girls: ... Sexy

Setsuna: Izuku, you need need to up your workout routine!

Izuku: W-What? But why?

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