Returned Kindness

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This war was ending soon.

A date had officially been set- and both sides were preparing.

The sixteenth.

The only reason you knew they set a date was because Quackity had come over to you and asked you if he could use the diamonds you had strip mined for armor.

To which you said what you strip mined was for everybody- of course he can use them.

And he then said you should get armor yourself because... being amorless isn't exactly a good thing when your in a war.

Weaponless isn't either, but you shrugged him off, and thanked him for the information update.

Tommy kept promptly leaving to find Tubbo or build towers- and you didn't bother trying to talk to him with how fast he kept dipping.

It hurt.

It hurt alot.

To watch someone drift, but not at all know how to stop it.

All because you wanted to be friends with both sides of the argument.

It sucked.

Shaking your head, you focused back onto more pressing matters.

The sixteenth.

It had only been a day since a bunch of new people joined Pogtopia. War preparations were due, and while most others were out in the wilderness, you were here- fixing armor.

The sixteenth seemed so far away, but in actuality it would hit surprisingly quickly. About a week? Not even?

Would this really be the end to Pogtopia?

You pondered those questions as you sat in the ravine, doing the odd tasks of polishing other people's armor, and preparing rations for the fight.

Not the most interesting job, but again. You had to remind yourself. You were never here for the fighting. You were never promised family and friends.

Grunting, you huffed at a particular piece of a diamond chestplate that wouldn't properly fold back into place.

Currently you were trying to fix a dent in Fundy's armor. All you knew about him was that he was Wilburs kid, and he joined Pogtopia after being in Manberg.

Yet here you were fixing his armor.

You huffed at it, pushing it one last time before tugging at the leather holding it together.

If it wouldn't go back through brute force you'd just have to manually warm it up and then rescuplt it.

Couldn't be too hard.

You barely started to undo the straps when two hands reached over your shoulder, grabbing the diamond armor and and giving it a pop- dent forcefully reforming into the proper shape.

Good Lord.

That would have taken a lot of strength.

Your eyes follow the hands up their arm to see Technoblade- looking worse for wear and staring at the armor you were fixing.

Of course Techno can undent diamond armor with his bare hands. Of course. Who other then him does that kind of thing.

"Uuh- hi." You murmur, and he finally releases the diamond armor, retracting himself from over your shoulder to instead stand and give you a look that you couldn't quite read.

"Hallo-" he murmurs back- voice low as he looks at your nook's table and then reconnects eye contact. Or at least you think he's making eyecontact.

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