DC (Part 1)

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Hey, guys just wanted to mention that this is going to be a long chapter. 

So sit back relax and enjoy the read.

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Rias: "And you're just going to sit here?"

Y/N: "Believe it or not... That was the plan for the weekend?"

Rias scoffed while I chuckled. We were all currently sitting on the couch in front of the T.V. Isa requested I spend a little time with her and the rest of the girls accompanying us for a series marathon with Asia, Xenovia, Irinia and so on.

The series was interesting. It dealt with a doctor as they tried to handle the stress of life, from saving people to also trying to find someone to love. Halfway through the first season, I had my favourite character. Her name was Meredith Grey, an excellent doctor.

We had gone through the first and second season in one seating, and when I finally sat up and cracked my neck in place. Feeling the fatigue from sitting in one place for too long, settle in. I found the girls all sound asleep.

Y/N: "Guess we all could have used a quiet Saturday."

Summoning a few clones, I picked each one of them up and placed them in their respective rooms. I yawned into my hand once more. The odd thing about being a god is... You really don't get sleepy. More like have these moments of fatigue that often come on when you're bored. But the house was silent. Even the servants had gone to bed. Even Sebas would be sleeping at this time. Which is odd because the old man barely slept. I smiled and thought about Skyrim.

From the notes Lydia has sent. She was elated about the new capital and how the people, although hesitant. Are turning over a new leaf.

Among the letters were was the college of Winterhold, which were satisfied with the recent rebuild of the town. The thieves guild and their new means of income and business around all of the cities in the country.

Y/N: 'Things were coming around.'

Laying down on the couch, I blinked a few times and shut my eyes.

Y/N: 'I'll train tomorrow... It won't be that hard... Right, Leo...'

Within a second, something had fallen on my face, and my eyes sprung open, revealing a black blob on the tip of my nose.


Leo screamed into my ear as I summoned a shield around me as the oozing black liquid appeared above our head and was now consuming the room. I snarled as my spell, which could dispel most magic, wasn't affecting this creature. I switched to flames, still nothing. This room was changing... I wasn't standing in a room anymore, instead of a golden box that was getting smaller by the second.

The inky black liquid quickly engulfed me as I choked on the substance. Finally, it had encased me and felt my balance breaker form activate. But still nothing; I watched Leo appear in front of my eyes as his world and face started to disappear.


Y/N: "LEO!!!"

The best way to describe this sensation was like any travel plan when it comes to jumping between universes. I'm going through head first and would either crash into buildings or a boulder.

The portal appeared above a skyscraper, and out came me trying to twist and turn, hoping to save myself, instead of being crushed between two building times and crashing into an alleyway. For anyone watching, they would think the man is dead. However, I simply looked at the sky and groaned. Not out of pain, but out of nuisance.

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