Update - Please Read

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I'm sad that I even have to make this note but sadly with the amount of comments I've gotten, I have to address this.

With Golden Boy coming back, I know it's fresh in people's mind, but please stop comparing elusive to golden boy. Not only is it extremely offensive to my writing, but it's offensive to me as a person.

The characters I have spent my time crafting have absolutely no base from anyone else's stories (with the exception of original Harry Potter characters) but even then, they all have unique characteristics based on ELUSIVE and are made for this story only.

Please stop comparing Lottie (who you view as a villain) to other stories villains, especially with Zina from GB. My character is simply a girlfriend of one of the main characters and her being upset or jealous about a possible relationship budding between another girl does NOT make her the same or similar to other villains.

I tried not to let this bother me and made attempts to look at it as flattery. I know how popular GB is and as first i was like 'that's nice that people are comparing my story to something so popular' however, it has gotten to the point where i get multiple comments DAILY about Lottie and Zina.

She is a girl in a relationship and she is a suspicious person and that is as far as the similarities lie.

It is extremely disrespectful to the work I have created and insinuates my story does not have originality when in fact I have spent SO LONG (alongside bri) coming up with these characters and their personalities.

I would also like to add that not everything in elusive lines up with the original plot of Harry Potter. This is a fanfiction and I have added aspects and gotten rid of some that might be "canon" in the Harry Potter world.

Please do not correct me if you think something is wrong. The best example I can think of is the physical descriptions of Fred and George. I am fully aware that Oliver Phelps had a bump on his nose during the filming of Harry Potter but in this story, Fred has that attribute.
It is not wrong. It is my story. If I wanted to give George two ears I could have. The whole idea of a fanfiction is to take something you love and make it your own.

I hate to sound like i'm complaining because I am thankful for all the support and reads, but I am truly just hurt and upset that people are having trouble separating my work from someone else's.

That being said, please do not ask me about GB. I have had people leave me comments on my personals accounts and on this page asking who the author is and if I know anything about the updates. I do not. I do not read it and I'm not going to promote someone else's story on my own.

I know that some people may be disappointed thinking this was a chapter update so I apologize for that, but chapter 38 will be up at 11:30am CDT tomorrow.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you understand where I'm coming from.

love you all

Elusive // The Weasley TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now