He Does Something Stupid (Again)

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The sequel to one of the funniest chapters is here! Woohoo!

Jeff the Killer

"Jeffy boy! Jeffy boy! Where are you?" You called out in an irate tone of voice.

You see, Jeff was supposed to take D/N out to the local dog park but he was nowhere in sight.

D/N sat by the door with his/her collar and leash on, looking dejected.


"Well someone's on her monthly...," BEN muttered as he walked past with the usual armload of looted goodies.

There was a crash from somewhere and then suddenly, Jeff fell from above.

He landed on the couch with a yelp, bounced off, tumbled on the floor and ended up lying by your feet.

"Oh hi Y/N.... You look nice today."

"How the hell did you end up falling through the ceiling?" You asked in disbelief, crossing your arms.

"Er... Bye sweetie! I love you!"

With that, Jeff scrambled to his feet and over to the door.

Before you could ask any further questions, he had taken D/N's leash and run.

You never did really find out how your boyfriend managed to do it but at least the repairmen had a good laugh when they fixed the Jeff-shaped hole in the ceiling.

BEN Drowned... In newspaper?

It was a relatively lazy day.

You were just sitting on the couch, watching Case Closed with Fluffy on your lap.


You looked up in surprise.


"Hello? Is someone there?"


A big welly boot was slowly but steadily hopping closer and closer.

You stood up in surprise, dislodging the bunny which quickly climbed back onto the couch.

The welly boot stopped by your feet and suddenly BEN's head popped out.

He smiled and chuckled nervously as you groaned.

"Don't tell me..."


You turned around.

"BEN... I don't know how you manage to keep getting yourself stuck inside random objects around the house but this time, you're on your own!"

"But Y/N-"

You walked to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat and left the little elf to somehow hop over to the telephone.

After some difficulty with dialing the number, he nudged the receiver to his shoulder.

"Hey Jeff. Can you give me a lift back to the mansion? I kinda got stuck in a boot again..."

"How did you manage that?" The psychotic killer asked in a bored voice.

"Well I dropped one of my Doritos in there and couldn't reach all the way down so I climbed in."

There was a sigh.

"I'll be there in five minutes. Y/N won't let me leave the house until I pay the repair bills."

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