Chapter 18

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Boom! You see me I see you hey we should watch WWE together someday.

If anyone was wondering their school year starts in August, because I just noticed football season was ending kinda early for it to start in September.
A month later- October 8th

It's already been a month, and I missed WWE so much. Even though my friends and Cory did come with me to my home state, I missed the audience. It was even effecting my performance in sports. We were in the playoffs already,but I was making shit passes.

And coach was thinking about benching for that. I didn't need that though, I really don't. Besides wrestling the other sports that I play, basketball, football, and track, are my other passions. Without them I'm nothing.

"Good, it's good to see you. No pun intended. I just wanted to ask you, what's been going on doll, our performance hasn't been 100 percent lately."

"It's just, that it's been a month since I've gotten back, and I really miss WWE so badly, but since it's in town today maybe that'll help." Maybe that's all I need to get myself back right.

"You have to put all that behind you girl. That's the past this is the future just stop thinking about it; plus you said you're going to a live eveny today anyway, so cheer your butt up, girl."ohat and remeber that there's still the future. I'm only 13 after all.

I smiled and gave my coach a thank you before I went into Mrs. Bitichface's class room. When I sat down she glared at me I didn't know why besides the obvious fact that I was 5 minutes late to her class other than that I have no clue why she'd be looking at me like that.

"Go to the ofice Ms.Good. This is the 50th time you've been this late to my class; this time I won't tolerate it from you,"I rolled my eyes and then walke to the office.

The office lady smiled when she saw me, then nodded her head over to the seat infront of the principal's office. I can't wait to hear what he has to say because of Pimple Face. I don't like that teacher if you can't tell.

Hours later


"Mom, We're home."

"Hey guys come in the kitchen for a sec."

I trugded to the kitchen, I really couldn't see what she needed right now, usually she's in the living room or something. This is just down right weird man seriously.

I looked up and my eyes widened. "Dean your back I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Tyler, it isn't the same without you anymore, plus loads of people have been asking how you and all your friends have been."

"Don't you guys have an event here again?"

"No, we dont, but in about 2 months we do, I just came because I know you got that big playoff game tomorrow that I wouldn't miss for"the world. Don't worry all of that catering jazz is taken care of and let's just say the Couhars will have a bigger audience tomorrow."I smiled knowing he'd be there along with a bunch of the wrestlers I haven't seen and talked to in the longest of time.

October 9th

I hate this song why would it even come-on in the morning. I know-why actually just so it can get stuck in my head and be nuisance to me. But it is a good confidence song though, that hates me.

"We are the champions my friend!"Samie was yelling

"Jon, did you change my radio station?"I yell after I realized,it wasn't on unusually station.

"Bmm yor musim sucks,"he returned back, mouth full with something.

"No it dosen't," I rolled my eyes getting dressed.



"Hulk would smash Spiderman, seriously are you saying that,"he looked appalled.

"That's true,but Spiderman has speed and his spider web advantage dude. All Spicy, has to really do is spray him with loads of his web then run, do some crazy awesome sh-stuff and boom he wins."

"We'll talk about this later. Bye Tyler,bye Sammie, see you at you guy's game."

We walked away from the car after getting out. Then walked to the girls' locker room to get ready for morning practice. Hopefully I got my mojo back. I really it man. It's. A must have especially for the game that decides if we've won the states finals, and are going on in this tournament that involves the whole country.

"Hey you okay?"Sammie questioned.

"I'm fine just thinking about trying out for volleyball,before the season ends."

"Wait,aren't you on the team already?"

"Well, I was until I quit a few weeks in when this bitch of a girl named Jasmine was giving me a hard time, so I punched her. Then Coach Shelby put me off their team."

She nodded then we finished getting dressed.


Hey this is the chapter it's good to finally post it for you guys.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.


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