Mountain view

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It was a bright morning, as you woke up in the hotel room next to Bokuto. You and Rey ended up falling asleep in the boys room after playing some games till late at night. You sat up in the bed you somehow ended up in and looked to see Bokuto sprawled out on the floor still asleep as Rey was in the other bed and Akaashi on the couch. You smiled to yourself to see all your friends sleeping peacefully. You quietly got off the bed and headed to the balcony, opening the door and shutting it behind you quietly. You leaned against the railing as you felt a cool breeze blow against you and saw some people getting their shops opened up and ready. You sighed, relaxing and continued to look out. You then heard the door open and turned to see a tired looking Bokuto, rubbing his eyes as he walked over to you. He then hugged you from behind, laying his head on your shoulder. "Morning Kotaro" you said softly smiling. "Morning" he said raising his head to look at you. "You look beautiful by the way" he then said smiling, making you blush. "Thanks" you said leaning back into him as he hugged you. "Whats the plan for the first day?" you then asked looking up at him. "Dont know yet, lets wait till Akaashi and Rey are up" he said leaning down and kissing your forehead.

Rey and Akaashi were now awake, and you and Rey went back to your rooms to get ready for the day. You all decided to go on a little hike that had a really pretty view at the top that Akaashi knew of. You hurried and got changed into some shorts and a (f/c) long sleeved shirt. You threw on some black vans, and then hurried back to the boys room with Rey so you could all go down to breakfast together. You guys reached the cafe and got your food then finding a table and started eating. You got some (favorite breakfast) and some fruit and ate up quickly along with the rest of them. You guys then cleaned up and headed back to the room to get your little backpacks and pack them with lunch, water, and sunscreen. Once you were all ready you followed Akaashi to the start of the hike.

You guys reached the tail and saw some other tourists getting ready to do the hike as well. You guys started up the mountain following the trail and going up the stairs. You and Rey were in front of the boys, looking and pointing at the beautiful scenery around you. You guys also talked about other things you wanted to do on the trip and what you should do for the other days. You guys smiled and laughed as the boys hiked behind, watching and smiling. As you guys continued walking and laughing you suddenly slipped on a loose rock, falling backwards. Before you hit the ground though a pair of arms caught you and you looked up to see Bokuto smiling. "That was close" he said as he helped you back up smiling. "Sorry about that" you said rubbing the back of your head, embarrassed. "Its all good, glad I caught you in time" he said laughing a bit. You let out a little laugh, and then decided to walk along side him, as did Rey with Akaashi.

After about 30 min, you guys reached the half way point and took a water break at some of the benches that were there. As you guys sat, Bokuto suddenly ran off somewhere making Akaashi roll his eyes as you and Rey sat there, confused. "Whats he doing?" Rey asked looking at Akaashi. "Said he had to do something" Akaashi said sighing. You and Rey were both confused, but then he returned smiling. "Where did you go?" you asked laughing a bit. "I had to pee" he said rubbing the back of his head with a goofy smile making you all face palm. You then laughed some more, handing him his water bottle so he could get a drink.

time skip~

You guys finally reached to top of the mountain around noon, as the sun shined brightly. You and Rey ran to the edge together to see the view. As you looked, you saw other mountains with lots of trees and a little lake, with the little town off to the side. You and Rey looked in awe, as the boys came and stood next to you guys. "Good call Akaashi" you said smiling at him as he just nodded. You guys then found a spot to sit, and then started getting your lunches out. You all had little bentos you bought and some drinks. You guys ate and talked, continuing to look at the view. After everyone's food was mostly gone, you put it back in the backpacks and continued to talk. While everyone was talking your eyes wondered, looking through the trees and people, till you saw a little boar. You slowly got up, which caused the others to stare at you confused. You slowly walked to where the boar was standing, almost as if it was frozen in place from fear of all the people. You went up to the people close, letting them know as they slowly backed away. You continue to slowly go up to the boar, when it huffed, running back into the forest. "Sorry about that" you said as you got back to your group. "What the heck y/n, you an animal whisperer" Rey said laughing making you laugh. "Nah just saw it frozen there so I wanted to help" you said smiling. Bokuto than gave you a bear hug, saying, "Thats my n/n" making you and Rey laugh some more. 

You guys then made the trek back down the mountain and back to the hotel. Since it got pretty hot you were all sweaty and gross. so you decided to spend the rest of the date at the little pool by the hot springs since the hot springs would probably be to hot. You and Rey got your swimsuits on, and then ran back to the boys room who were already coming out of the door. You and Rey held your towels in hand, as you guys ran through the halls to the pool. Bokuto then ran after you, excited to swim. 

Whats you guys reached the pool and found a spot for the towels you guys walked over to the water. You dipped your feet in, getting ready to get in when Bokuto pushed you in. You surfaced with a glare and then bursted out laughing as he jumped in, splashing you. You guys then spent the rest of the evening swimming and having fun.

Can't wait for what tomorrow might bring!

Sorry its late, finals have been crazy but I hope you enjoyed! ~London 

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