Part 3 | H E R • T H O U G H T S

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𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑡


When I was done painting Mrs. Martin, I took a break by exploring the city.

While I walked through the city park , the sea of trees was seen swaying gently in the whispering wind. Reflections of the stars are shown in the peaceful pond as the rustle of the autumn leaves were softly blown down the road by the wind

I found peace when I strolled at the park alone at this time of hour.

One of my favorite things to do besides art is taking peaceful walks through parks. It helped clear my mind. I loved parks from a very young age. Every time my parents fought I would sneak out of the house and take a walk to the closest park that was a few blocks away from my house.

I took a sip of my afternoon coffee and fished for my phone in my coat to check the time.

It read 12:42 pm.

I sighed when I realized my alone time was coming to an end since I had 20 minutes left before Elijah and Elizabeth dropped by the studio.

For the first time I felt nervous to meet the couple again, especially Elijah. There is something about him, something that draws me towards him. Like a magnet.

I shut my eyes.

Stop it Josephine. I thought to myself. Pushing back the naughty scenarios I am having of him.

He's engaged! For crying out loud. I was surprised at how Elijah, a person I barely know, has an effect on me already.

After what happened with my last relationship I promised myself that I'll never commit myself to a serious relationship. I didn't come out of a toxic relationship; it was more like a 'right person, wrong time.' type of situation.

I still love the person, Zariah was my first love and no matter how hard I tried I can never forget my first lover. It changes you forever and the feelings will never go away.

Tucking my blonde hair behind my ear I continued to enjoy the last 15 minutes of my stroll.

I sat in my office doodling in my sketchbook as I patiently waited for the couple. After what felt like hours of waiting I heard the front door open and close followed by a deep voice calling out my name.

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